

A Study of the Classical fu(赋) of Liu Zongyuan 柳宗元 and Liu Yuxi 刘禹锡: Also on the Origin and Distinction of fu in Tang Dynasty
摘要 唐赋承自六朝,古赋与律赋分流,以古赋之体为尊。唐赋之复古不及唐诗,中唐继盛唐复古未完之业,文体上有向更古老的文体取法的表现。柳宗元、刘禹锡的力复古赋之体,正属这一文学脉流。柳宗元深于骚体,其辞赋以屈原、贾谊为宗,多为愤悱之辞,幽怨之思;其语体也力效楚辞,兼取汉赋之体。唐人遭遇之境与屈贾最近者为柳、刘。柳宗元更是有意识地效法屈原的人格,同情其人生遭遇。刘禹锡的古赋之体,主要取法贾谊以下,及魏晋南朝阮籍、江淹诸家。柳、刘两家赋体创作,反映了中晚唐辞赋乃至于其他文学进一步摆脱初盛唐辞赋润饰鸿业的作风,向个体抒情转化的发展趋势。 Originated from the fu of the Six Dynasties, fu of the Tang Dynasty was diverted into two branches: the classical and the regulated, of which the former was regarded as more elegant. Poems went further than fu in the artistic archaic process. Therefore, fu continued the process from prosperous Tang to the middle Tang, and absorbed artistic experience from more ancient works. Liu Zongyuan and Liu Yuxi’s devotion to the renaissance of classical fu belonged to this trend. Liu Zongyuan, proficient in fu of sao(骚), sought writing skills mostly from Qu Yuan屈原 and Jia Yi贾谊 and expressed depression and discontent. The literary forms followed the Songs of Chu(Chu ci 楚辞) while absorbing from fu of the Han Dynasty. They were the two in the Tang Dynasty whose life experience were closet to Qu and Jia’s. Particularly, Liu Zongyuan, compassionate to Qu Yuan’s adversity, consciously modeled on him. In terms of classical fu, Liu Yuxi imitated Jia Yi, as well as Ruan Ji阮籍, Jiang Yan江淹 and others in the Wei Jin Period and the South Dynasties. Fu of the two reflected the efforts of abandoning the style of political praises and the turning to expressing individual feelings in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty.
作者 钱志熙 Qian Zhixi
机构地区 北京大学
出处 《中国文化研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期83-98,共16页 Chinese Culture Research
关键词 唐赋 古赋 律赋 柳宗元 刘禹锡 fu in the Tang Dynasty the classical fu the regulated fu Liu Zongyuan Liu Yuxi
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