
应试而教,随试而教,反试而教:新自由主义机构语境下的语言教育及教师身份构建(英文) 被引量:1

Teaching to, with, and Against the Test: Language Teaching and Teacher Identity Under Institutional Neoliberalization
摘要 新自由主义现已成为描述近年来全球经济和教育改革中一些核心特征的关键词。本文从社会语言民族志研究的视角探究了一位语文教师在课堂内外如何应对和利用语言教育中的新自由主义话语,以展示新自由主义语境下语言教育的复杂性。本文的分析显示,案例中的语言教师在一个以应试话语为核心的新自由主义语境下的身份认同轨迹里,共展现出作为应试话语的反对者、服从者和实用主义者三种显著身份认同;本文亦细致展示与这三种认同相对应的应试话语相关的各类课堂互动及其达成的不同目的。基于此,本文认为,为超越目前主流的"决定论新自由主义"以充分展现新自由主义话语与语言教学和教师身份的动态关系,我们该尝试采用本文中的非预测性和复杂性的新视角。 Neoliberalism has emerged as a keyword that captures some core features of global economic and educational reforms in recent years. This paper reports a linguistic ethnographic study of how a Chinese language teacher was engaged with neoliberal discourses on language education in and out of the classroom in a suburban public middle school in China, with an attempt to illuminate the complexity of language education in a neoliberal context. The analysis shows three general identity positions-as an opponent, a conformist, and a pragmatist-across the identification trajectory of the focal language teacher through the fieldwork period, in relation to neoliberal exam-oriented education and her various ways of engaging with exam discourses in her language classrooms. This inquiry argues for the perspective of unpredictability and complexity as an alternative that goes beyond the current "deterministic neoliberalism" in understanding the dynamics of neoliberalization in language education, language teaching, and teacher identity formation.
作者 黄恩谋 Enmou Huang(Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)
出处 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2019年第3期307-326,400,401,共22页 中国应用语言学(英文)
基金 the support from the Key Research Project of Philosophy and Social Science of the Ministry of Education of China (MOE, Project No.: 15JZD048) the Chinese MOE Research Project of Humanities and Social Science (Project No.: 16JJD740006) conducted by the Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies the Research Project Guangdong Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science (Project No.: GD18WXZ18)
关键词 新自由主义 语言教学 教师身份 认同轨迹 社会语言学民族志 neoliberalism language teaching teacher identity identity trajectory sociolinguistic ethnography
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