
四川长宁—威远区块水力压裂引起的断层滑移和套管变形机理及防控策略 被引量:19

Fault slip and casing deformation caused by hydraulic fracturing in Changning-Weiyuan Blocks, Sichuan: Mechanism and prevention strategy
摘要 自2009年以来,在四川长宁-威远国家级页岩气示范区开始了大规模的页岩气开发,其主体技术是水平井和多段水力压裂。但是该地区30%以上的水平井在水力压裂过程中出现了套管变形,这不仅导致压裂段数减少和单井产量下降,同时亦使井的完整性出现问题从而缩短井的生命周期,严重制约着该地区页岩气的高效开发。本文针对长宁-威远地区水力压裂引起的断层滑移和套管变形机理展开研究并提出套管变形的一些防控策略。首先对长宁-威远区块的套管变形的几何特征进行了统计分析,同时结合蚂蚁体追踪的断层位置和微地震信号的时空特征分析,综合得到了该地区套管变形与水力压裂诱发的断层滑动存在相关性的结论。然后对长宁-威远地区地应力进行了描述,通过对现场滑动断层的受力分析,得到了断层滑动可能优先于水力压裂发生的可能性。介绍了压裂施工可能导致的断层稳定与不稳定滑动对套管变形的影响,分析了控制断层滑移的主控因素并提出了触发类和诱发类两种不同的断层滑动模式。分析了断层泥矿物成分对其摩擦性能及其对断层稳定性的影响,指出长宁-威远地区页岩断层泥的黏土成分小于某一临界含量值时,会表现出来速度弱化从而导致断层的不稳定滑动。最后在此基础上,提出了套管变形的一些防控策略:(1)在断层滑动引起的套管受力变形的基础上总结了套管和水泥环的材料和设计对套管变形的影响;(2)基于诱发类断层滑动研究了施工参数对断层滑移量和套管变形量的影响;(3)基于诱发类断层滑动提出断层滑动风险预测的概念方法;(4)最后综合提出了一套基于地质工程一体化的防控方案。 Since 2009, large-scale shale gas development has begun in Changning-Weiyuan blocks, Sichuan Province. The main driven technologies are horizontal drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing. But more than 30% of horizontal wells in this area encountered casing deformation in the process of hydraulic fracturing, which not only reduces the number of fracturing stages, but also causes problems in terms of well integrity, thus shortening the life cycle of wells and seriously restricting the efficient development of shale gas in this area. In this paper, the mechanisms of fault slippage and casing deformation caused by hydraulic fracturing in Changning-Weiyuan blocks are studied, and some prevention and control strategies of casing deformation are proposed. Firstly, the geometric characteristics of casing deformation in Changning-Weiyuan blocks are analyzed. At the same time, the correlation between casing deformation and fault slippage induced by hydraulic fracturing is summarized by analyzing the locations of faults given by the Ant-tracking seismic volume and the temporal and spatial characteristics of microseismic signals. Then the characteristics of in-situ stress in Changning-Weiyuan blocks is described. Through the sliding analysis of the reactivated natural fault in the field, it is found that the fault slip may take precedence over the occurrence of hydraulic fracturing during the pumping. The influence of fault stability and unstable sliding on casing deformation is discussed. The main controlling factors of controlling fault slip are analyzed and two different fault slip modes, triggered and induced, are proposed. The influence of mineral composition of fault gouge on the friction properties and stability of faults is analyzed. It is pointed out that when the clay content of fault gouge in Changning-Weiyuan blocks is less than a certain critical value, velocity weakening behaviors of fault gouge and unstable slip of fault can be promoted. Finally, some prevention and control strategies of casing deformation are proposed.(1) Based on the casing deformation caused by fault slippage, the influence of casing and cement ring materials and design on casing deformation is summarized.(2) Based on induced fault slippage, the influence of injection parameters on fault slip and casing deformation is studied.(3) On the basis of the induced fault slippage, a conceptual method for fault slip risk prediction is proposed.(4) Finally, a set of prevention and control scheme based on the integration of geological engineering is put forward.
作者 陈朝伟 项德贵 张丰收 安孟可 尹子睿 蒋振源 CHEN Zhaowei;XIANG Degui;ZHANG Fengshou;AN Mengke;YIN Zirui;JIANG Zhenyuan(CNPC Engineering Technology R&D Company Limited,Beijing 102206,China;Key Laboratory of Geotechnical&Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;Department of Geotechnical Engineering,College of Civil Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
出处 《石油科学通报》 2019年第4期364-377,共14页 Petroleum Science Bulletin
基金 国家科技重大专项“工厂化钻井技术研究与集成应用”(2016ZX05022001)、国家科技重大专项“深井超深井”高效快速钻井技术及装备(2016ZX05020002) 国家自然基金面上项目“深部裂隙岩体水力压裂裂缝三维非平面扩展和复杂缝网形成机理研究”(41772286)联合资助
关键词 长宁—威远 水力压裂 套管变形 断层滑移 摩擦 触发与诱发 Changning-Weiyuan hydraulic fracturing casing deformation fault slippage friction triggered and induced
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