
低温蒸发联合臭氧催化氧化处理精细化工污水 被引量:5

Treatment of fine chemical wastewater by low-temperature evaporation combined with ozone-catalyzed oxidation
摘要 某生产清洗剂类化工品的企业属典型小型精细化工企业,生产污水只能采用企业自理的处理方式,随着企业产品种类和数量的增多,产生的污水量及污水污染物已远超过原处理设施的处理能力。本研究采用低温蒸发联合臭氧催化氧化的短流程处理工艺,组装成移动式一体化处理设备处理该废水,处理结果表明,出水COD≤30 mg/L、总磷≤0.5 mg/L、浊度≤6.0 mg/L、色度接近0,达到国家一级排放标准和回用标准。 An enterprise that produces detergent chemicals is a typical small-scale fine chemical enterprise.The pro-duction wastewater can only be treated by the enterprise itself.With the increase of product types and quantity,the amount of wastewater and wastewater pollutants produced has far exceeded the capacity of the original treatment faci-lities.In this study,a mobile integrated treatment equipment was assembled by adopting a short-range treatment pro-cess using low-temperature evaporation combined with ozone-catalyzed oxidation.The treatment results showed that the effluent COD was≤30 mg/L,total phosphorus was≤0.5 mg/L,turbidity was≤6.0 mg/L,and chromaticity was close to 0,meeting the national first-level emission standards and reuse standards.
作者 吴佩熹 肖知 王潇 王乃琳 刘家节 Wu Peixi;Xiao Zhi;Wang Xiao;Wang Nailin;Liu Jiajie(School of Chemical Engineering,Northwest University,Xi’an 710069,China;Tianjin Zhengda Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 300152,China;CenerTech Tianjin Chemical Research and Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 300131,China)
出处 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期96-100,共5页 Industrial Water Treatment
关键词 精细化工污水 低温蒸发 催化氧化 污水资源化利用 fine chemical wastewater low-temperature evaporation catalytic oxidation wastewater resource utiliza-tion
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