

On the Promotion of National Qualifications Frameworks by International Organizations——Take the International Labour Organization, UNESCO and European Vocational Training and Development Center as examples
摘要 构建国家资历框架成为全球教育改革的主流趋势,这既是各国经济发展的内在需求,也离不开国际组织的积极推动。国际劳工组织关注体现劳动者就业能力的职业资历,通过理论解析、操作指南、经验介绍三个方面的系列出版物,指导帮助更多的国家构建国家资历框架。联合国教科文组织强调终身学习,通过经典报告、出版刊物、组织会议等手段,推动资历框架在国家和区域层面的构建。欧洲职业培训发展中心从职业技能开发的角度,通过政策建议和监测报告等手段,推动欧洲资历框架和欧盟成员国国家资历框架的构建与对接。 The development of national qualifications frameworks has become the mainstream trend of global education reform. It is an inherent requirement of the economic development of various countries, and cannot be achieved without the active promotion from international organizations. International organizations interpret and promote national qualifications frameworks from different perspectives, and have different effects on the development of the national qualifications frameworks. The article selects ILO, UNESCO and Cedefop as representatives to analyze the promotion of national qualifications frameworks by international organizations.
作者 郑炜君 吴峥 Zheng Wei-jun;Wu Zheng(The Open University of Guangdong,Institute of Education,Guangzhou510000,China;Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics,Hangzhou310000,China)
出处 《武汉职业技术学院学报》 2019年第6期34-39,共6页 Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic
关键词 国际组织 国家资历框架 职业资历 学习成果认可 international organizations national qualifications frameworks
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