
On the Current Situation of College English Teaching Reform and Countermeasures

On the Current Situation of College English Teaching Reform and Countermeasures
摘要 Under the requirements of the teaching reform of College English,the reform of College English teaching methods is in full swing.Faced with the current situation of College English teaching,measures should be taken to achieve the goal of the teach⁃ing reform.Based on the analysis of the background,objectives and significance of the new education reform,this paper puts for⁃ward that the established goals of English teaching reform can be achieved through the layered implementation of the objectives,the construction of a multi-channel learning environment,the adoption of new teaching modes and timely reflection and evaluation of teaching. Under the requirements of the teaching reform of College English, the reform of College English teaching methods is infull swing. Faced with the current situation of College English teaching, measures should be taken to achieve the goal of the teach-ing reform.Based on the analysis of the background, objectives and significance of the new education reform, this paper puts for-ward that the established goals of English teaching reform can be achieved through the layered implementation of the objectives,the construction of a multi-channel learning environment, the adoption of new teaching modes and timely reflection and evaluationof teaching.
作者 杨儒平 邱世凤 YANG Ru-ping;QIU Shi-feng(School of Foreign Studies,Chengdu University,Chengdu 610106,China)
出处 《海外英语》 2019年第23期267-268,270,共3页 Overseas English
关键词 College English teaching reform STRATEGIES College English teaching reform strategies
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