Through the 70 years of the new China,there are not only a lot of changes,but also a lot of things unchanged.First,there are changes in the concrete statement of national development goals;however,the big goal of realizing industrialization and modernization within 50 to 100 years has never changed,and generations of Chinese people have made unremitting efforts for achieving this big goal.Second,there are changes in the guideline and policies of economic construction,the economic system and the political system;however,the basic direction of sticking to the basic institution of socialism and marching forward from socialism to communism and the guiding thought of proceeding from reality in all and mobilizing the activity of the people to the hilt have never changed,and any deviation can be rectified timely.Third,there are changes in the specific forms and practices of party building;however,the tenet of serving the people wholeheartedly,the organic unity of people sovereignty with the Party’s leadership and the rule of law,the flesh-and-blood relationship between the Party and the people,and the guideline of governing the Party with strict discipline have never changed,and experiences have been summarized and lessons drawn timely for continuously strengthening party building under the precondition of never hindering economic construction.Fourth,there are changes in the concrete statements and practices with respect to international issues,foreign relations,national unity and territorial integrity;however,the determination to respond to the development trend of the epoch,strive for and maintain world peace,and defend the core benefits of our country without seeking hegemony has never changed,and this determination has become ever-increasingly unswerving along with the evolution of the situation.
ZHU Jia-mu(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732,China)
Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Jinggangshan
new China
national development goals
economic construction
party building
foreign relations and safeguarding of national unity