
国外临床心理督导中测量工具介绍 被引量:3

A Review of the Measurement Tools in Clinical Psychological Supervision Abroad
摘要 临床督导在心理咨询与治疗领域中占据着重要地位,评价是临床督导的核心,而问卷测量法是评价的主要手段。重点介绍和评述了国外临床心理督导研究中测量督导过程、督导结果,以及督导师和被督导者特质等方面的问卷。在此基础上,总结了国外心理督导问卷的特点,并为国内研究者未来开展督导测量研究提供了建议。 Clinical supervision plays an important role in the field of psychological counseling and treatment. Evaluation is the core of clinical supervision, and the questionnaire method is the main means of evaluation. This paper mainly introduced and reviewed the questionnaires in clinical psychological supervision research abroad with regards to the supervisory process, supervisory outcome, traits of the supervisor and supervisee, and so forth. On this basis, it summarized the characteristics of foreign psychological supervision questionnaires, and provided suggestions for domestic researchers to conduct supervisory measurement research in the future.
作者 杨妲 田瑞琪 YANG Da;TIAN Ruiqi(Center of Psychological Research and Counseling,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 611756,China)
出处 《心理学通讯》 2019年第4期276-283,共8页 Psychological Communications
基金 四川省哲学社会科学重点研究基地心理健康教育研究项目(XLJKJY1922B)
关键词 临床心理督导 督导评价 测量 问卷 clinical psychological supervision supervisory evaluation measurement questionnaire
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