
求解非均质多孔介质中随机水流问题的多尺度有限元降基方法 被引量:1

Reduced multiscale finite element basis method for solving the stochastic water flow problems in heterogeneous porous media
摘要 为高效求解地下非均质多孔介质中的随机水流问题,通过构造一组独立于随机参数取样的多尺度有限元降基函数和生成一个降阶多尺度模型,发展了一种多尺度有限元降基方法(RMsBM)。并应用矩阵离散的经验插值方法(MDEIM)仿射分解非仿射的随机参数问题的离散系统以加速降阶模型的在线计算。为评估所提出方法的性能与效率,对随机非均质多孔介质中的饱和水流问题执行了若干数值试验。数值结果表明:所提出的RMsBM通过选择合适的粗网格和最优数目的局部多尺度降基函数,可在维持良好计算精度的同时,显著提高在线计算效率。 For effectively solving the stochastic groundwater flow problems in heterogeneous porous media,a reduced multiscale finite element basis method(RMsBM)was developed by constructing a set of reduced multiscale finite element basis functions independent of the parameter sampling and generating a reduced-order multiscale model.Moreover,in order to improve the online computation of reduced-order model,a matrix discrete empirical interpolation method(MDEIM)was used to affinely decompose the discrete system of the nonaffine parametrized problem.Finally,several numerical experiments were carried out for saturated flow problems in heterogeneous random porous media to evaluate the performance and efficiency of the proposed method.The numerical results showed that the proposed RMsBM can significantly enhance online computation efficiency and maintain comparative accuracy for the flow problems by choosing a suitable coarse mesh and an optimal number of local reduced multiscale basis functions.
作者 黄梦杰 贺新光 HUANG Mengjie;HE Xinguang(College of Resources and Environmental Science,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410081,China;Key Laboratory of Geospatial Big Data Mining and Application,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410081,China)
出处 《水资源与水工程学报》 CSCD 2019年第6期86-95,共10页 Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41472238) 湖南省研究生科研创新项目(CX20190390)
关键词 多尺度有限元降基方法 矩阵离散经验插值法 非均质多孔介质 随机水流问题 reduced multiscale finite element basis method matrix discrete expirical interpolation method(MDEIM) heterogeneous porous media water flow problem
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