全国计算机等级考试二级MS Office高级应用,是目前二级考试报考科目中比较受欢迎的一门,但是其考试通过率却总是不尽人意。因其考点多且复杂,考生很难全部掌握,故提出使用微课教学辅以面授的上课方式,使考生有效利用碎片化时间,随时随地进行学习,以提高考生学习的积极性,从而达到提高通过率的目的。而微课作为一种新型学习资源,为移动学习提供了极大的便利。文章以Word 2010中邮件合并为例,给出了微课制作的开发实例。
The advanced application of MS Office in the national computer grade examination is one of the most popular subjects in the second level examination at present,but its pass rate is always not satisfactory.Because of its many and complex examination points,it is difficult for examinees to master them all,so that the students can make effective use of piecewise time and study anytime and anywhere,so as to improve the students’enthusiasm for learning and achieve the purpose of improving the passing rate by using the teaching method of micro-lessons supplemented by face-to-face teaching.As a new type of learning resource,micro-class provides great convenience for mobile learning.Taking mail merge in Word 2010 as an example,this paper gives an example.A development example of micro-class production is given.
Ding Yanqiu;Yang Xiaoyan(Wuxi Taihu University,Wuxi 214000,China)
Wireless Internet Technology