
牛河梁女神庙的真相再揭秘——记文学人类学家与考古学家的一次对话 被引量:3

The Revelation of Niuheliang Goddess Temple:A Dialogue between Literary Anthropologists and Archaeologists
摘要 2019年9月1日,在朝阳市德辅博物馆召开的国际熊文化研讨会的晚餐上,叶舒宪与郭大顺进行了一次具有重要意义的对话。叶舒宪问郭大顺当年牛河梁女神庙发掘时,出土的泥塑动物在女神庙的什么位置,郭大顺回忆了当时发掘的情况和今天对出土文物的再认识。他说当时发掘简报说女神庙中出土的"神化了的动物形象有猪龙和猛禽"是需要再认识的,那不是猪,而是熊;不是泥塑猪的残件,而是整头熊;整头熊是趴在女神庙顶上的;而当时被认为"猛禽"的则是泥塑鹰。泥塑大熊从庙的北面与大于真人三倍的女神像相对;泥塑鹰从庙的南面与大于真人三倍的女神像相对。这与当年的《辽宁省牛河梁"女神庙"与积石冢群发掘简报》报告的情况是大不一样的。郭大顺对牛河梁女神庙发掘的回忆与对出土文物的再认识,引起在场学者的极大兴趣。叶舒宪说":这是牛河梁女神庙的再揭秘!" On September 1, 2019, at the dinner of the international bear culture seminar held at Defu Museum in Chaoyang City,Ye Shuxian and Guo Dashun had an important dialogue. Ye Shuxian asked Guo Dashun where the clay animals were found in the Goddess Temple when the Niuheliang Temple was excavated. Guo Dashun recalled the process of the excavation and talked about the recognition of the unearthed cultural relics. He recalled that the excavation briefing at that time said that the"deified animal images unearthed in the Goddess Temple include pig, dragon, and raptor"need to be recognized again. It’s a bear instead of the remnant of a clay sculpture pig. The bear is lying on the top of the Goddess Temple. And the raptor was actually a clay sculpture eagle. In the north of the temple, the clay sculpture bear was facing to the goddess statue which was three times larger than a real person, and in the south of the temple, the clay sculpture eagle was facing to the goddess statue. This is quite different from that reported in The Excavation Briefing of Niuheliang Goddess Temple and Jishi Mound Group in Liaoning Province. Guo Dashun’s recollection of the excavation of Niuheliang Goddess Temple and his recognition of the unearthed cultural relics aroused great interest of the scholars present. Ye Shuxian said,"This is another revelation of Niuheliang Goddess Temple!"
作者 杨朴 杨旸 YANG Pu;YANG Yang(College of Chinese language anil literature,Boiia College of Jilin Normal University,Siping,Jilin 136000,China;Experimental College,The Open University of China,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2020年第1期25-31,共7页 Journal Of Jilin Normal University:Humanities & Social Science Edition
关键词 文学人类学家 考古学家 对话 牛河梁女神庙 泥塑猪为熊 literary anthropologist archaeologist dialogue Niuheliang Goddess Temple the misunderstanding of the clay sculpture bear as a pig
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