
重塑、解构与超越:中国发展道路的历史性选择 被引量:1

Reshaping, Deconstructing, and Transcending: Historic Choice of Paths for China’s Development
摘要 近代以来在有关发展的话语体系中西方国家一直掌握着主导权,期间伴随着中华民族对发展道路孜孜不倦的探索。在这样的情况下,种种以西方世界发展为样板的发展理论、发展范式相继涌出,这些看似客观公允的理论框架其实只不过是西方世界意图掌控发展话语权的理论表现。所以,无论是费正清的"冲击-回应"范式、李文森的"传统-近代"范式、詹姆斯·佩克的"帝国主义-革命"范式、保罗·柯文的"中国中心观",还是劳尔·普雷维什的发展主义,抑或是近年来在国际社会十分流行的新发展主义,都不过是借探讨"发展"之名,行霸权主义之实。一直以来,中国的发展实际上也是伴随着对本国发展的理论探索,对西方诸种发展理论、发展范式的解构。尤其是在中国共产党诞生之后,将马克思主义基本理论与中国革命实践相结合,在不同的历史阶段继承和丰富了马克思主义发展思想。在新的历史阶段,我们所要做的是坚持以人民为中心的发展思想和"五大发展理念",借鉴西方发达国家的发展经验和教训,超越西方诸种发展理论、发展范式,建构中国特色社会主义发展话语体系,为促进世界发展、中国特色社会主义发展做出应有的贡献。 In modern times, western countries have always dominated the discourse system of development. This period was accompanied by the Chinese nation’s tireless exploration of the path of development. Under such circumstances, various development theories and development paradigms based on the development of the western world have emerged one after another. These seemingly objective and fair theoretical frameworks are actually only the theoretical manifestations of the western world’s intention to control the development of discourse power. Whether it is John King Fairbank’s "Shock-Response" Paradigm, D.J. Levinson’s "Tradition-Modern" Paradigm, James Peck’s "Imperialism-Revolution" Paradigm, Paul A. Cohen’s "Central View of China", Raúl Prebisch’s Developmentism, or the new developmentism that has become very popular in the international community in recent years, it is only hegemonism in the name of "development". All along, China’s development is actually accompanied by the exploration of its own development and the deconstruction of various western development theories and paradigms. Especially after the birth of the Communist Party of China, the basic theories of Marxism were combined with the specific practice of China, and Marxist development thoughts were inherited and enriched in different historical stages. In the new historical stage, what we have to do is adhere to the people-centered development thinking and the "five-development concepts", learn from the development experiences and lessons of Western developed countries, transcend western development theories and development paradigms, and construct a discourse system for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in order to make due contributions to the development of the world and the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
作者 赵笑蕾 ZHAO Xiao-lei(School of Marxism,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen,Shanxi 041004,China)
出处 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第1期41-47,共7页 Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(中宣局室发函[2019]20283号) 国家社会科学基金一般项目(17BKS028)
关键词 发展道路 发展理论 发展范式 以人民为中心 development path development theory development paradigm people-centeredness
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