
永乐群岛5个岛屿害虫普查及安全性评估 被引量:5

Pest Survey and Safety Assessment on Five Islands of Yongle Archipelago
摘要 永乐群岛岛礁植物虫害发生与危害状况迄今未见报道。为了有效监控永乐群岛外来有害生物的入侵、定殖扩散与爆发成灾,本研究对永乐群岛5个岛屿的害虫进行了系统性普查及安全性评估。结果表明,永乐群岛5个岛屿97种野生盐生植物、绿色固沙植物、耐盐蔬菜上共查获害虫(螨)83种,其中,晋卿岛38种植物上共发现26种害虫(螨)发生危害;甘泉岛30种植物上共发现20种害虫(螨)发生危害;银屿16种植物上共发现14种害虫(螨)发生危害;鸭公岛5种植物上共发现12种害虫(螨)发生危害;羚羊礁10种植物上共发现12种害虫发生危害。调查首次发现扶桑绵粉蚧(Phenacoccus solenopsis)、新菠萝灰粉蚧(Dysmicoccus neobrevipes)、美洲斑潜蝇(Liriomyza sativae)、拟三色星灯蛾(Utetheisa lotrix)、蔷薇三节叶蜂(Arge geei)、榕蓟马(Gynaikothrips ficorum)、朱砂叶螨(Tetranychus cinnabarinus)等危险性害虫在5个岛屿32种植物生严重发生和危害。针对国家检疫性毁灭性害虫扶桑绵粉蚧、新菠萝灰粉蚧安全性评估结果表明,这2种害虫的风险评估指数R值分别为2.21和2.23,在永乐群岛均属于高度危险有害生物,应严格管控。本研究对于可持续防控永乐群岛岛礁植物虫害的发生危害和保护生态环境、保障当地宜居环境和岛礁作物安全生产,均具有十分重要的理论与实际意义。 The occurrence and damage of plant pests on the islands of Yongle Archipelago have not been reported so far.In order to effectively monitor the invasion,colonization,diffusion and outbreak of exotic pests in Yongle Archipelago,a systematic survey and safety assessment of pests in the five islands of Yongle Archipelago were conducted.The results showed that 83 pests(mites)were found on 97 species of wild halophytes,green sand-fixing plants and salt-tolerant vegetables in the five islands,of which 26 pests(mites)were found on 38 plants in Jinqing Island,20 pests(mites)were found on 30 plants in Ganquan Island,14 pests(mites)were found on 16 plants in Yinyu Island,12 pests(mites)were found on 5 plants on Yagong Island and 12 pests were found on 10 plants of Antelope Reef.The above results are the first reports of plant pests(mites)on the five islands of Yongle Archipelago.In present survey,Phenacoccus solenopsis,Dysmicoccus neobrevipes,Liriomyza sativae,Utetheisa lotrix,Arge geei,Gynaikothrips ficorum and Tetranychus cinnabarinus were first found to seriously infested 32 species of plants on the five islands.In addition,according to the safety assessment results of the national quarantine destructive pests,Michelia fusanensis and M.neopineapple,the risk assessment indices R of the two pests was 2.21 and 2.23,respectively.They were highly dangerous pests in Yongle Islands and should be strictly controlled.This study is of important theoretical and practical significance for the sustainable prevention and control of plant pests,the ecological environment as well as the crop safety on Yongle Archipelago.
作者 陈青 梁晓 伍春玲 陈谦 CHEN Qing;LIANG Xiao;WU Chunling;CHEN Qian(Environment and Plant Protection Institute,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management on Tropical Crops,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Hainan Key Laboratory for Monitoring and Control of Tropical Agricultural Pests/Hainan Engineering Research Center for Biological Control of Tropical Crops Diseases and Insect Pests,Haikou,Hainan 571101,China)
出处 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期148-156,共9页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
基金 农业农村部“南峰专项二期”“南海典型岛礁植物虫害调查与评估”(No.NFZX2018) 海南省重点研发计划项目“新型节本增效轻简化橡胶钻蛀性鞘翅目害虫诱捕器研发与应用”(No.ZDYF2018037)和“辣椒化肥农药减施增效综合技术研究与示范”(No.ZDYF2018238)
关键词 永乐群岛 害虫普查 安全性评估 Yongle Archipelago pest survey safety assessment
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