科学估算高山地区村域尺度农村居民点整理潜力并构建可行性较强的转化路径,有助于提高山区农村居民点整理的优质耕地转化率,对于提高农村居民点用地集约利用水平具有重要意义。研究以提出的农村居民点整理潜力测算研究思路为指导,选取十堰市郧阳区作为研究区域,以抽样行政村地籍调查成果为支撑,通过Pearson相关系数、偏最小二乘回归模型和实地调查的方法逐步验证本文的研究思路,并基于宜拆建筑结构形式房屋及附属设施修正土地闲置率法测算的农村居民点整理潜力,从而得到农村居民点整理综合潜力。结果表明,依据土地闲置率法测算的整个郧阳区的潜力面积为616.956 hm^2,修正后的综合潜力为1661.248 hm^2,其面积相较于人均居民点用地标准法测算的潜力面积仍较小,但是相较于传统土地闲置率法测算结果已经提升明显,且存在切实可行的潜力转化路径。研究测算的农村居民点整理潜力充分考虑了政策支撑和农民支持,从而提供了依托国家重大政策的切实可行的整理潜力转化为优质耕地路径,也能够有效避免高山区复垦耕地撂荒;提出的潜力测算方法对不同尺度间潜力测算的联动具有重要的参考价值。
The purpose of this paper is to estimate the potential of rural residential consolidation in the village scale of the mountain region scientifically in order to improve the conversion rate of high-quality cultivated land and the level of land intensive use, which was supported by the results of cadastral survey in the sampling villages. Firstly, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used to calculate the linear relationship between the value of the characteristic indices about houses containing all forms of the building structure and their auxiliary facilities and the value of the characteristic indices about the rural residents;Secondly, based on the existence of the linear relationship, a linear regression equation between the value of the characteristic indices about houses containing the form of the building structure that the poor lived in and their auxiliary facilities and the value of the characteristic indices about the rural residents was constructed by the partial least squares regression model, and the number of houses containing the form of the building structure that the poor lived in and their auxiliary facilities was estimated in every unit;Thirdly, based on the results of cadastral survey in the sampling villages, the average building area of houses containing the form of the building structure that the poor lived in and their auxiliary facilities were estimated, so as to measure the area of houses containing the form of the building structure that the poor lived in and their auxiliary facilities in every unit;Fourth, based on the willingness of farmers in the results of the survey, the houses containing the form of the building structure that the poor lived in and their auxiliary facilities were defined as the building structure form and the ancillary facilities that were suitable for consolidation, combined with the land idle rate, the final comprehensive potential of rural residential consolidation was calculated. The results showed that the potential area of the entire Yunyang area measured by the land idle rate method was 616.956 hm2, and the revised comprehensive potential was 1 661.248 hm2. The area compared with consolidation potential measured by the method of per capita construction land standard was still small, but compared with the traditional land idle rate method, the results have been improved significantly, and there was a feasible potential transformation path. In summary, in the process of calculating the potential of rural residential consolidation, this paper fully considered the actual needs of farmers and major national policies, therefore, there were policy support such as Targeted Poverty Alleviation, Rural Revitalization and farmers support in the process of potential transformation, which can accelerate the transformation of the potential and ensure the quality and quantity of transformation, which in turn serves the implementation of major national policies and strategies, and is a reliable path to realization. Also, it is possible to consolidate the idle land inside the rural residents into cultivated land, which reduces the possibility of cultivated land abandoning. On the other hand, from the microscopical level of the internal structure of rural residents in the administrative villages, the comprehensive potential of rural residents in every village, township, and entire research area can be measured, so it is possible to guide the large-scale calculation of the potential of rural residential consolidation according to the framework of this paper. Thus, the proposed potential measurement method has important reference value for the potential measurement in different scales.
Zhang Hongwei;Wang Zhanqi;Li Qiu;Mo Qiuling(School of Public Administration,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China)
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
land use
rural areas
building structure
rural resident
consolidation potential
Yunyang District