
改进作物水分亏缺指数用于东北地区春玉米干旱灾变监测 被引量:13

Improved crop water deficit index for monitoring drought disaster change process of spring maize in the Northeast China
摘要 为建立东北地区春玉米干旱灾变过程动态监测方法体系,跟踪反馈干旱时空特征和发展趋势,该文在采用作物水分亏缺指数CWDI(crop water deficit index)作为干旱监测指标的基础上,针对分区域和特定生育期内传统作物系数(Kc)值的固定化设置现状,首先采用分段函数对作物系数(Kc)进行逐日估算,进而计算逐日CWDI;其次对干旱等级的临界阈值进行逐日估算,构建随春玉米发育进程变化的干旱等级动态划分标准。在此,该文以东北地区2018年春玉米干旱为例,基于逐日平均温度、最高温度、最低温度、降水、气压、风速、日照时数、相对湿度以及春玉米关键生育期数据等,分别计算了逐日和8 d合成的CWDI与改进CWDI,通过地面干旱调查数据对二者的监测结果进行检验,对其监测精度和空间连续性进行了比较和分析;利用改进CWDI对东北地区2018年春玉米干旱灾变过程进行动态监测,揭示了其时空特征及演变趋势。结果表明:1)基于改进CWDI的春玉米干旱监测结果与地面调查结果具有较高吻合度,整体判对率达到了75.7%,比CWDI监测的干旱判对率提高了8.1%;CWDI监测的干旱程度在不同行政区域交界处出现了明显突兀的变化,而改进CWDI则表现出良好的空间连续性,适用于春玉米干旱灾变过程动态监测之目的。2)2018年东北地区主要发生5月的春旱和7月下旬到8月中旬的伏旱,春旱从吉林西部开始发生并向西南方向不断扩展,消退方向与发展方向保持一致。伏旱从内蒙古东部、辽宁西部等地区向东部不断发展,之后由东、西两侧向中部不断消退。并且在玉米整个生育期内,均有一定程度的干旱发生。3)改进CWDI可以很好的反映出2018年5月22日前后大范围降水过程所引起的春旱面积减小、程度降低的过程,对降水因子敏感,可以实时表征逐日尺度降水增多引起的干旱强度变化。 In order to prevent agricultural droughts in the future, a dynamic monitoring system for the drought transition process of the spring maize in the Northeast of China(NC) in 2018 was established to track and get feedback of the temporal spatial characteristics of droughts using the crop water deficit index(CWDI) method. A meteorological interpolation software, ANUSPLIN was used to interpolate the daily average temperature, the maximum temperature, the minimum temperature, the average wind speed, the average air pressure, sunshine hours, the average relative humidity and the precipitation data at meteorological stations in NC in 2018. These meteorological data can be extended from some points to the surfaces. The daily pixel-by-pixel reference evapotranspiration(ET0) of crops was calculated by programming in IDL language. The maize characteristics were determined at the different growth period, including the early, middle and late stages. Using the Kriging method, the key growth data of maize were interpolated at the growth period including seeding, three leaf, tasseling, milking, raping. The daily maize crop coefficient and dynamic thresholds was improved by using the key growth data and function to cumulative improved CWDI. Then daily and 8-day synthesis of CWDI and improved CWDI were calculated. The improved CWDI monitoring data of the spring maize at the drought in 2018 were in good agreement with the survey data of the ground drought, with the high accuracy of 75.7%, which is 8.1% higher than CWDI. Improved CWDI has shown good spatial continuity, which is suitable for the purpose of dynamic monitoring of the drought disaster process of spring maize. In 2018, the spring drought in NC was stronger than the summer drought, while the drought degree was more serious during the maize growing period. Both the spring drought and summer drought occurred in NC in 2018, particularly the most severe period occurred in May and from late July to mid-August. The area of spring drought was larger than that of the summer drought. The spring drought mainly occurred in the western and northern of Liaoning Province, western Jilin Province, Chifeng and Tongliao in Inner Mongolia. The spring drought began to occur in the west of Jilin Province and expanded continuously to the southwest, with the direction of subsidence consistent with the direction of movement. The summer drought mainly occurred in the south of NC, particularly in Liaoning Province. The drought continued to develop from the eastern part of Inner Mongolia and the western part of Liaoning Province to the eastern part, and then decrease from the eastern and western sides to the central part. In the whole growth period of maize, the drought occurred to a certain extent. The improved CWDI can well reveal the mitigation effect of the precipitation process on drought before and after May 22, 2018. The improved CWDI can be used to monitor the drought disaster process of the spring maize in NC. It was also sensitive to the short-term variation of precipitation factors. The change of drought intensity that caused by increasing daily precipitation can also be represented in real time.
作者 李崇瑞 游松财 武永峰 王一昊 Li Chongrui;You Songcai;Wu Yongfeng;Wang Yihao(Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第21期175-185,共11页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国家重点研发计划子课题(2017YFD0300402-2)
关键词 作物 水分 干旱 东北地区 春玉米 作物水分亏缺指数 crops water drought Northeast China spring maize crop water deficit index
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