
家庭体育作业对初中生体质健康和亲子关系影响的实验研究 被引量:4

An Experimental Study on the Influence of Homework on Physical Health and Parent-Child Relationship of Junior Middle School Students
摘要 以“家庭体育作业”的形式,利用运动处方的方法,对初中生的体质健康实施干预,同时运用调查法对学生实验前后的亲子关系进行调查研究。经过一个学期的家庭体育作业实验研究表明,家庭体育作业的实施在促进初中生体质健康提升的同时改善了学生的亲子关系,体质健康方面尤其是在力量素质、柔韧素质和爆发力方面提高更为显著,亲子关系方面与爸爸妈妈的冲突频率更少,强度也更低,亲子关系更加融洽。家庭体育作业具有学校体育课堂教学无法达到的效果,在实验过程中家庭体育作业的完成率达到93.65%,实施家庭体育作业是完全可行的,因此,可以得出,科学合理的制定措施,家庭体育作业对初中生体制健康水平的提高有非常显著的效果,是改善亲子关系增强初中生体质健康的良好措施和手段,是对学校体育教学的最佳补充。 In the form of"homework sports",using the method of exercise prescription,the physical health of junior high school students was intervened,and the parent-child relationship before and after the experiment was investigated.After a semester of experimental research on homework,it shows that the implementation of homework can improve the physical health of junior high school students and improve their parent-child relationship.In terms of physical health,especially in terms of strength quality,flexibility quality and explosive power,the conflict frequency between parents and mothers is less,the intensity is lower,and the parent-child relationship is less More harmony.Family sports homework has the effect which the school physical education classroom teaching cannot achieve.In the experiment process,the completion rate of family sports homework reaches 93.65%.It is completely feasible to implement family sports homework.Therefore,it can be concluded that the scientific and reasonable formulation of appropriate measures of family sports homework has a very significant effect on the improvement of junior high school students'system health level,which is to improve the parent-child relationship Good measures and means to strengthen the physical health of junior middle school students are the best supplement to school physical education.
作者 何东平 孙娟 何芯茹 He Dongping;Sun Juan;He Xinru(Shuren School of Yangzhou Middle School Education Group,Yangzhou Jiangsu 225001,China;Yangzhou Wenfeng primary school,Yangzhou Jiangsu 225001,China;School of Physical Education,Soochow University,Suzhou Jiangsu 215021,China)
出处 《武术研究》 2020年第1期143-147,共5页 Wushu Studies
基金 江苏省学生体质健康促进研究中心课题《家庭体育作业对初中生体质健康影响研究》,编号:2017C007
关键词 体育家庭作业 初中生 体质健康 亲子关系 Sports homework junior high school students physical health parent-child relationship
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