
新时代教师队伍建设笔谈——来自中国香港和台湾地区及海外华人学者的视角 被引量:4

Conversation Analysis by Writing on Teaching Staff Construction in New Era——A Perspective of Chinese Scholars from Hong Kong,Taiwan Region and Outside China
摘要 李子建、邱德峰的《新时代教师队伍建设改革——回应和展望》,从国际教师教育比较的角度,指出推动学校改进和教师发展机制的完善,应该积极利用佐证方法和大数据;同时,教师政策的落实,并不仅限于政府、学校和教师的投入,还需要家长的配合及社会资金的支持。李军的《从加拿大的经验看中国全面深化新时代教师队伍建设改革》,以加拿大人口最多的安大略省教师队伍建设为例,强调教师队伍建设是一个持续的、不断改进的专业化进程,其价值取向在于坚持专业的独立性,有效兼顾和平衡法治、政府职责和公众利益。王箭、王国祥的《关于中国教师教育新政策的几点思考》,聚焦4类教师教育政策(体系建立、内容改革、队伍建设、师范生录取与培养以及毕业生录用),以促进多角度和多层次的相关分析。苏智欣的《美国卓越教师教育的必备条件及其对中国教师教育的启示》,围绕美国当代著名教育家约翰·古德莱得博士总结的19个卓越教师教育条件,分析、对比中美两国教师教育的异同,找出中国的优势,取长补短。王如哲的《全面深化新时代教师队伍建设改革之解读》,以国际教师教育经验为参照,指出未来教师队伍建设需要切实了解中国教师的现状,建立目标检核机制,确保教师教育持续精进,同时关注新的教师教育问题。 This special issue invites several overseas Chinese scholars in the field of teacher education to reflect with recommendations on The Opinions on Fully Deepening the Construction and Reform of Teaching Force in the New Era in terms of policies, practice and trends of international teacher education. The first article takes an international comparative education to hold that school improvement and teacher development must be geared up to actively utilize evidence and data, and that teacher policies should not be limited to the investment by governments, schools and teachers and the cooperation with parents in addition to societal support of funding. The second article takes the case of teachers in Ontario, the most populous province in Canada, illustrating that the notion of teacher professionalism is an ongoing professional concept, which implies the independence of professionalism, effective balance of legal system, governmental responsibilities and public interest. The third article focuses on four types of teacher education policies, i.e., system establishment, content reform, construction of teaching force, and the admission, education and employment of teacher education students. The fourth article reflects on the "borrowing" values in the Chinese soil of the 19 conditions for teacher education that were concluded by John Goodlad, a prominent figure in American education. The last article refers to the international experiences of teacher education, and pinpoints that the construction of future teachers must be based on the reality of Chinese teachers, set up purpose-driven mechanisms, ensure the continuous improvement of both quality and quantity, and pay necessary attention to emerging problems in teacher education.
出处 《教师教育学报》 2020年第1期1-18,共18页 Journal of Teacher Education
基金 香港教育大学“教师研究与发展计划”的支持
关键词 教师队伍建设 国际教师教育 教师政策 教师教育条件 教师素质 teacher team construction international teacher education teacher policy teacher education conditions teacher quality
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