
不同类型大肠锯齿状腺瘤的临床流行病学特征比较 被引量:1

Comparison on the Clinical Epidemiological Characteristics of Different Types of Serrated Adenomas in the Colon
摘要 目的:探讨不同类型大肠锯齿状腺瘤(SA)的发病特点及其相互关系。方法:收集我院2003-2017年经病理诊断为增生性息肉(HP)、传统锯齿状腺瘤(TSA)、广基锯齿状腺瘤(SSA)患者的临床资料,比较分析不同类型SA的发病情况及临床特点。结果:从6 820例结直肠息肉中筛选出SA 402例,其中HP 176例(43. 78%),TSA 83例(20. 65%),SSA 143例(35. 57%)。近15年来三种SA的检出率分别上升了92. 0%、50. 0%、111. 1%。SA好发于50岁以上,HP、TSA、SSA 50岁以上的患者分别占77. 27%、81. 92%、79. 72%,中位年龄分别为55岁、61岁、60岁。HP和TSA分布于直肠为主,分别占50. 57%、49. 40%,SSA以右半结肠为主,占57. 34%。HP、TSA、SSA伴高级别上皮内瘤变的比例分别为2. 84%、13. 25%、15. 38%,直径≥1. 0cm的进展性腺瘤的比例分别为10. 80%、30. 12%、40. 56%。SSA中形态表现为LST的有35例,占24. 48%,明显高于TSA和HP。结论:不同类型SA的临床特征存在一定差异,提示SA可能存在多种发病机制和多条癌变通路,各亚型的鉴别诊断需引起病理医师和内镜医师的重视。 Objective: To study the characteristics and the interrelation of different types of colorectal serrated adenomas( SA). Methods: The data from patients with pathologically confirmed hyperplastic polyp,traditional serrated adenoma or sessile serrated adenoma from our hospital during 2003-2017 was analyzed and compared. Results: 402 cases of SA were collected from 6 820 cases of colorectal adenomas,including 176 cases of HP( 43. 78%),83 cases of TSA( 20. 65%),143 cases of SSA( 35. 57%). The number of HP,TSA,SSA increased separately 92. 0%,50. 0%,111. 1% in recent 15 years. The predisposing age of SA was over 50 years old. The proportions of HP,TSA,SSA over 50 years old were respectively 77. 27%,81. 92%,79. 72% and the median ages were respectively 55,61,60. HP,TSA were mainly distributed in rectum,respectively accounting for 50. 57%,49. 40%. SSA was mainly distributed in right-sided colon,accounting for 57. 34%. The proportions of HP,TSA,SSA with high-grade epithelial neoplasia were respectively 2. 84%,13. 25%,15. 38%. The proportions of HP,TSA,SSA with hprogressive adenoma were respectively 10. 80%,30. 12%,40. 56%. 35 cases of LST were collected from 143 cases of SSA,accounting for 24. 48%,higher than of HP and TSA. Conclusion: There were some differences on characteristics in HP,TSA and SSA. It suggests that SA had different pathogenesis and cancerous pathways. The differential diagnosis of SA subtypes needs our attention.
作者 陆宝钿 李兆滔 崔西玉 刘韶辉 王艺霖 欧阳勇文 LU Baodian;LI Zhaotao;CUI Xiyu(Department of Gastroenterology,Foshan First People’Hospital,Foshan City,Guangdong Province 528000)
出处 《医学理论与实践》 2020年第3期360-362,365,共4页 The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice
基金 佛山市医学类科技攻关项目(0023409120612063)
关键词 结直肠肿瘤 锯齿状腺瘤 流行病学 临床特征 Colorectal neoplasms Serrated adenoma(SA) Epidemiology Clinical characteristics
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