

The Historical Doctrine of Modern Sea Power Development in Land-Sea Complex Countries——a Case Study of French Maritime Power’s Rise and Fall under the Rule of Louis Xiv
摘要 研究近代法国海权兴衰,当能给同具陆海复合型地缘特征、正处在大国崛起进程关键阶段的当代中国提供一些有益历史教义。路易十四治下法国,海权体系一度勃勃发展,海上力量盛极一时,国家权势亦曾雄居欧洲之巅,然而路易十四最终收获的不是更大王朝荣耀、更广的国家疆域和更有保证的国家安全,而是迅速凋零的海权、一个衰落的法国和周围环伺的敌人。考察近代法国此段快速由兴而衰的历史进程及结局,与其泛泛认为是地缘因素、经济因素、技术因素等"物的因素"或民众的大陆性文化传统而造成,不如说是"人的因素"所致--国家最高决策者的政策失当和战略透支,是致使法国海权以及国家权势快速衰落的关键成因。在这个意义上,近代法国海权兴衰案例提供的历史教义或主要在于:其一,对于陆海复合型国家而言,仅凭陆权难以支撑国家崛起,而海权是国家通向更广阔世界以及大国崛起的基本要求。其二,陆海复合型国家的治国安邦者须有矢志海洋的战略远视,须有陆海统筹的战略思维,须有避免战略透支的风险意识,须有关于海权发展与海权运用的合理的地缘战略顶层设计。 The study of the rise and fall of French sea power in modern times can provide some useful historical doctrines for contemporary China,which has the same land-sea complex geographical characteristics and is in the critical stage of the process of the rise of great powers. Under Louis xiv of France,once the sea power system development,sea power reached its zenith,national power has been held on the top of the Europe,Louis xiv eventually harvest,however,was not bigger dynasty glory,broader national territory,and guarantee of national security,but rapid fall of maritime power and a decline in France and circled by enemies. the France fast rise and failure of history process and outcome are not caused by geopolitical factors,economic factors,technical factors such as " the factor of" or people of continental and cultural traditions,rather caused by " human factors",the national top decision-makers and its policy misconduct and strategic overdraft,which led to the French sea power and national power rapid decline. In this sense,the historical doctrine provided by the case of the rise and fall of modern French maritime power mainly lies in: firstly,for land-sea composite countries,land power alone cannot support the rise of the country,while sea power is the basic requirement for the country to open up to the wider world and the rise of great powers. Secondly,the people running the country in the land-sea complex must have the strategic farsightedness,the strategic thinking of land-sea coordination,the risk consciousness of avoiding the overdraft of the strategy,and the reasonable topographic design of the geostrategy related to the development of the sea power and the application of the sea power.
作者 陈新丽 Chen XinLi
出处 《印度洋经济体研究》 CSSCI 2019年第6期98-114,153,共18页 Indian Ocean Economic and Political Review
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费资助 华中科技大学自主创新项目(项目编号2017WKYXQN014)研究成果
关键词 陆海复合型国家 法国 路易十四 海权 地缘战略 Land-sea Complex Country French Louis XIV Maritime Power Geo-strategy
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