
海洋命运共同体构建需知行合一 被引量:13

Building a Maritime Community with a Shared Future Requires the Unity of Knowledge and Action
摘要 2019年4月23日,中国国家主席习近平在青岛出席中国人民解放军海军成立70周年的讲话中首次提出构建海洋命运共同体的理念。习主席指出,海洋孕育了生命、联通了世界、促进了发展。我们人类居住的这个蓝色星球,不是被海洋分割成了各个孤岛,而是被海洋连结成了命运共同体,各国人民安危与共。这一理念对内可以视为党的十八大以来中国提出人类命运共同体建设和海洋强国战略的重大发展,对外则可视为中国参与全球海洋治理的中国方案的重大发展。由于海洋命运共同体提出时间尚短又具有很强的专业性,学术界和政策界对推进海洋命运共同体建设的认知和行动的探讨与筹划刚刚开始,尚未形成体系。因此本文尝试说明,海洋命运共同体的构建是个知行合一的体系,是政策概念体系和战略实践体系的并举合一,这二者在本质上具有一体性,在行动上应相互促进,在目标上追求高标准,在实际推进过程中要防止知行“两张皮”。 Chinese President Xi Jinping first proposed the concept of building a maritime community with a shared future when addressing the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People s Liberation Army Navy in Qingdao on April 23,2019.President Xi pointed out that the ocean provided a breeding ground for life,connected the world and promoted development.The blue planet humans inhabit is not divided into islands by the oceans,but is connected by the oceans to form a community with a shared future,where people of all countries share weal and woe.Such a concept makes a major development of building a community with a shared future for mankind and building China into a strong maritime,which also demonstrates huge progress in China s approach to contribute to global maritime governance.Being a newly proposed and professional concept,discussions on building a maritime community with a shared future in the academic and political circles have just begun,and the theoretic system has not been formed yet.Therefore,the paper aims to illustrate that building a maritime community with a shared future is a system characterized by the unity of knowledge and action,and by the combination of policy conceptual system and strategic practice system,which should be integrated as one in essence,and mutually reinforced in practical measures.We are supposed to pursue high standards and prevent the separation of knowledge and action in the construction of a maritime community with a shared future.
作者 翟崑 ZHAI Kun(Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
机构地区 北京大学
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期97-102,共6页 Pacific Journal
基金 国家社科基金“维护国家海洋权益”研究专项“中国参与全球海洋治理: 理念政策于路径”( 17VHQ009) 2018年自然资源部海洋战略规划与经济司、中国海洋发展研究会支持项目“印太战略与‘一带一路’的对策和应对研究”( 8204500327) 的阶段性研究成果
关键词 海洋命运共同体 知行合一 政策概念体系 战略实践体系 a maritime community with a shared future the unity of knowledge and action policy conceptual system strategic practice system
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