
数字经济背景下的创新型人才队伍建设 被引量:2

Cultivation of Innovative Talents under the Background of the Digital Economy
摘要 近年来,在数字技术支持下,联网共享经济超高速发展,我国众多中心城市纷纷出台各具特色的人才优惠政策。"人才大战"的出现,标示着我国早期的劳动密集技术战略取得成效,行业内的核心企业先期进入资本密集技术生产,经进一步整合,行业集聚区,尤其是城市出现了难能可贵的第三类增长模式--普罗米修斯增长,即以序贯性战略性技术突破为红线出现高端人才引进的宏观需求。这是经济升级换代式增长的特殊窗口机遇。在此背景下,我国人力资源需跨越第三道门槛,人才队伍的建设应关注创新型人力资源,从提升人口综合质量和智力优势、人才梯队建设、人才配套政策上发力。 In recent years, with the support of digital technology, the Internet-sharing economy has developed at a high speed, and many central cities in China have introduced special talent preferential policies. The emergence of the ""The talented attraction battle " indicates that China’s early labor-intensive technology strategy has achieved results. Core companies in the industry entered capital-intensive technology production in advance.After further integration, the industry agglomeration areas, especially cities, experienced a valuable third type of growth Mode-Prometheus growth, that is,the macro-requirement of high-end talent introduction based on sequential strategic technological breakthroughs. This is a special window opportunity for economic upgrading and generational growth. In this context, China’s human resources need to cross the third threshold. The construction of the talent team should focus on innovative human resources, and make efforts to improve the comprehensive quality and intellectual advantage of the population,the construction of talent echelons, and supporting policies for talents.
作者 曹和平 唐丽莎 Cao Heping;Tang Lisha(School of Economics Peking University,Beijing 100871)
出处 《开放导报》 2020年第1期50-55,共6页 China Opening Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“新常态下我国产业园区资源整合‘二次成长’的市场化模式研究”(15AJL015) 北京市中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心项目 北京市社会科学基金双项目“北京建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心研究”(17ZDAL14)
关键词 数字经济 人才红利 创新国家 Digital Economy Talent Dividend Innovation Nation
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