利用欧洲中心ERA-Interim数据以及河北省环境监测站、气象站观测资料,对2018年7月22-24日台风"安比"影响河北前后的一次O3污染过程的生成、维持、清除进行动力分析,结果如下:台风外围的副热带高压天气型结构有利于河北南部地区污染物的积聚,其演变对预报大气光化学污染具有重要的意义;台风降水对O3污染有非常好的清除作用,降水量越大,清除效果越好;高压带内部的高温有利于光化学反应,有利于O3污染的形成;近地层的弱风辐合场与下沉气流的双重作用对O3污染形成有很好的贡献;旋转形变效应(ds)负值区与河北中南部O3污染区域对应;动力条件促使湍流运动加强,对O3污染的清除有很好的作用.通过相关系数检验发现石家庄、邢台5 cm土壤温度和臭氧小时浓度相关性较高(相关系数0.75~0.85),由于土壤温度增加速度低于地表温度增加速度,臭氧浓度增加速度也低于地表温度增加速度,因此5 cm土壤温度比地表温度更及时反映了臭氧光化学反应强度.
Based on the data from the ERA-Interim(The European Center of Medium-range Weather Forecast), environmental monitoring stations and meteorological stations in Hebei Province, a dynamic analysis of Typhoon Ampil′s effects on ozone pollution in the southeast of Hebei Province from the July,22 th to 24 th, 2018 is studied. The results are as follows: The weather patterns of subtropical anticyclone outside Typhoon Ampil is beneficial to the accumulation of pollutants in the southeast of Hebei Province. Its evolution improves the prediction of atmospheric photochemistry pollution. The intense precipitation brought by Typhoon Ampil benefits on abatement of ozone pollution, with the larger precipitation leading to better air quality. The high temperature in subtropical high favors photochemistry reaction and formation of ozone pollution. The weak wind convergence and subsidence air flow both contribute to the formation of ozone pollution. The negative rotational deformation area(ds) corresponds to the ozone pollution area in the middle and south of Hebei Province. The dynamic conditions of intensify turbulence play an important role in clearing ozone pollution. According to correlation coefficient test(correlation coefficient 0.75~0.85), we find that the ozone concentration is negatively correlated with soil temperature of 5 cm depth in Shijiazhuang and Xingtai. This is because the increase rate of soil temperature is less than the surface temperature, the increase rate of ozone concentrationis is also less than the surface temperature,so the soil temperature of 5 cm depth more timely reflects the photochemical reaction intensity of ozone than the surface temperature.
ZHANG Zhi;MA Cuiping;ZHAO Na(Hebei Environmental Meteorological Center,Shijiazhuang 050021;Hebei Key Laboratory of Meteorology and Ecological Environment,Shijiazhuang 050021)
Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae