
以材料“创造”土地?——中国城市化进程的一个重要特征 被引量:5

Creating land by materials? An important feature of China′s urbanization
摘要 中国快速城市化进程的一个重要特征是以土地为载体,通过大量投入钢铁、水泥等建材大规模修建城市建筑和基础设施,创造出大量的城市生产和生活空间。利用1985—2010年中国省级行政单元城市建成区总面积、城市居住用地总面积、城市住宅总面积和城市住宅建筑材料总使用量等数据,识别城市扩张模式,揭示中国城市化进程中土地、建筑面积及其构筑材料三者间的关系。研究表明2000年是中国城市扩张的重要分界点,2000年之前中国各省份的城市建成区总面积、城市住宅总面积和城市住宅建筑材料总使用量均较小且省份间差异不大,2000年之后三者迅速增长且省份间差异逐渐扩大。在地区尺度上,三者均呈现东部地区最高、中部次之、西部最低的特点,地区内部差异则表现为东部地区最大、西部次之、中部最小的特征。大多数省份的城市住宅总面积及其构筑材料总量随着城市建成区的扩张而增长,表明城市在发展初期以扩大建成区和水平扩张为主。随着城市化水平的不断提高,城市内部空间重组和用地置换导致高层建筑逐步替代了原有的单层或低矮建筑,城市扩张的方向由依赖土地的水平扩张转向以大量使用建筑材料为基础的垂直扩张,使得许多省份的城市住宅总面积逐渐超过辖区内居住用地总面积。这种以建筑材料“创造”出更多“土地”的城市垂直扩张在满足人们对城市生产和生活空间需求的同时,有利于节约土地资源和保护生态空间,但需要以消耗更多的建筑材料并承担建筑材料在开采、制造、运输、使用和废弃过程中所造成的环境影响为代价。 China′s unprecedentedly rapid urbanization has relied on large-scale construction activities enabled by huge amount of materials consumption such as steel and cement.In order to identify China′s urban expansion patterns by revealing the relationships among urban land,buildings,and materials,this study collected and analyzed data of total urban built-up area,residential land area,dwelling area,and the amount of construction materials of 30 provinces during 1985—2010.The results show that the year 2000 is an important tipping point in China′s urban expansion.Before 2000,total urban built-up area,dwelling area,and the amount of construction material stocks in China were all relatively small and the variances among 30 provinces were insignificant.While after 2000,both the amounts of these three parameters and the variances among the provinces increased rapidly.On regional scale,provinces in eastern China ranked the highest in total urban built-up area,dwelling area,and the amount of construction material stocks,followed by those in central and western China.At the same time,variances among provinces in eastern China were the largest in all three parameters,followed by those in western and central China.In most provinces,the total urban dwelling area and the amount of construction materials increased with the expansion of total urban built-up area.These findings indicate that most cities expanded horizontally in the early stage of urbanization.Because of the spatial reorganization and land-use replacement in the progress of urbanization,many single-floor and low-rise buildings were replaced by high-rise buildings in the cities.It indicates that instead of relying on horizontal expansion of the land,the urbanization in China after 2000 depends more on vertical expansion which consumes high-intensity and low-cost construction materials,leading to more dwelling area than total residential land area in many cities.Urbanization that relies on land“created”by construction materials can fulfill cities′demand for space as well as promote urban ecological space protection and sustainable development.However,the environmental impacts caused by the production,transportation,consumption,and disposal of construction materials are also concerning issues being worth of further research.
作者 李佳佳 刘宇鹏 韩骥 张超 陈伟强 张力小 LI Jiajia;LIU Yupeng;HAN Ji;ZHANG Chao;CHEN Weiqiang;ZHANG Lixiao(Key Laboratory of Urban Environment and Health,Institute of Urban Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xiamen 361021,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Xiamen Key Laboratory of Urban Metabolism,Xiamen 361021,China;Shanghai Key Laboratory for Urban Ecological Processes and Eco-Restoration,School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China;Institute of Eco-Chongming(IEC),Shanghai 200062,China;School of Economics and Management,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;UN Environment-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development,Shanghai 200092,China;Tongji University Sustainable Development and New-Type Urbanization Think-Tank,Shanghai 200092,China;State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control,School of Environment,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第24期9246-9256,共11页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0505703) 中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目(QYZDB-SSW-DQC012) 国家自然科学基金项目(41801222)
关键词 城市建成区 建筑材料 土地使用强度 材料使用强度 产业生态学 城市生态学 urban built-up area construction materials land use intensity material use intensity industrial ecology urban ecology
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