
黄土高原典型流域生态问题诊断与系统修复实践探讨——以山西汾河中上游试点项目为例 被引量:26

Diagnosis of ecological problems and exploration of ecosystem restoration practices in the typical watershed of loess plateau: a case study of the pilot project in the middle and upper reaches of Fen River in Shanxi Province
摘要 流域生态系统涵盖山、水、林、田、湖、草等自然生态各要素,对流域生态系统进行总体保护、系统修复和综合治理,是践行习近平总书记生态文明建设理念的重要抓手。黄土高原地处半干旱半湿润气候带,水土流失严重,生态环境脆弱,探索黄土高原典型流域生态保护修复的理论与实践,对于实现国家生态文明建设具有重要作用。从黄土高原典型流域生态系统特征及存在的生态问题出发,提出流域生态系统修复治理的四大核心理念:(1)宏观规划调控与局地修复调整相结合理念;(2)区域生态功能提升与社会经济发展相协调理念;(3)由"头痛治头、脚痛治脚"转向"整体把脉,系统治疗"理念;(4)由"开刀治病"工程治理向"健康管理"自然恢复逐步引导理念。以山西省汾河中上游为例,在梳理山水林田湖草生态保护修复工程项目实践设计思路的基础上,详细介绍了汾河中上游五大生态保护修复分区(管涔山汾河源头水源涵养及生物多样性保护区、汾河干流中上游水生态保护修复区、水土保持生态保护修复区、汾河上游水源涵养生态保护修复区和矿山生态环境治理修复区)及其修复任务。总结山水林田湖草生态保护修复基本经验,并对完善黄土高原典型流域生态保护修复体制建设与技术服务进行展望,以期为黄土高原乃至全国区域开展流域生态保护修复工作提供借鉴和参考。 Watershed ecosystems include various environmental elements such as mountains-rivers-forests-farmlands-lakes-grasslands. Therefore, systematic restoration of the watershed ecosystem is important for implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping′s concept: ‘The aggregation of mountains-rivers-forests-farmlands-lakes-grasslands is a community of life’. The Loess Plateau is an area with the most serious soil erosion in the world;therefore, exploring the theory and practice of ecosystem protection of typical watersheds in the Loess Plateau is important for realizing the construction of national ecological civilization. This study proposed four key concepts of watershed ecosystem restoration: 1、 ecological restoration combining macro-planning and local restoration;2、 coordination between the promotion of regional ecological function and social economic development;3、 transformation from local restoration to global production;and 4、gradual guidance from engineering management to natural recovery. These four key concepts were proposed based on the characteristics and existing ecological problems of typical watershed ecosystems in the Loess Plateau. This study took the middle and upper reaches of the Fen River in Shanxi Province as examples, and proposed the practical design of ecological protection and restoration projects for mountains-rivers-forests-farmlands-lakes-grasslands. Additionally, five ecological restoration zones(Guancenshan water and biodiversity conservation area, water ecosystem protection area, soil and water conservation ecological restoration area, Fen River upstream ecological conservation restoration area, and post-mining ecological restoration area) and their restoration missions in the middle and upper reaches of the Fen River were introduced. Finally, ecosystem protection and restoration experiences of the pilot project in the middle and upper reaches of Fen River were summarized and four suggestions were proposed for improving the ecological restoration system and technology of typical watersheds in the Loess Plateau. This study is expected to provide references for the restoration and protection of watershed ecosystem on the Loess Plateau and in the whole country.
作者 周伟 官炎俊 刘琪 范彦波 白中科 师学义 胡业翠 黄雨晗 白东升 ZHOU Wei;GUAN Yanjun;LIU Qi;FAN Yanbo;BAI Zhongke;SHI Xueyi;HU Yecui;HUANG Yuhan;BAI Dongsheng(School of Land Science and Technology,China University of Geosciences Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;Key Laboratory of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation,Ministry of Natural Resources,Beijing 100035,China;Technology Innovation Center for Ecological Restoration in Mining Areas,Ministry of Natural Resources,Beijing 100083,China;Shanxi Center of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation,Taiyuan 030024,China;Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center,Ministry of Natural Resources,Beijing 100035,China;Ecological Restoration Division of Shanxi Department of Natural Resources,Taiyuan 030024,China)
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第23期8817-8825,共9页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 西北干旱荒漠区煤炭基地生态安全保障技术(2017YFC0504401)
关键词 生态系统修复 山水林田湖草 实践设计 黄土高原 汾河中上游 ecosystem restoration aggregation of mountains-rivers-forests-farmlands-lakes-grasslands practice designs Loess Plateau middle and upper reaches of Fen River
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