
珠江三角洲海岸线旅游价值评估 被引量:3

Coastline Tourism Value Evaluation in the Pearl River Delta
摘要 从海岸线的自然属性、旅游发展要素、区位因素3个维度构建海岸线旅游价值评估模型,以珠江三角洲为案例,定量评估了海岸线旅游价值并分析其空间差异。结果表明:珠三角滨海旅游优势岸线总占比25.50%,旅游价值中等值段岸线占比40.67%,偏低和低值段岸线占比为30.52%和3.31%。整体来看,珠三角岸线旅游价值东部整体高于西部。大陆岸线旅游价值最高的集中在惠州巽寮湾、深圳大亚湾、大鹏湾和深圳湾,旅游价值较低的集中在黄茅海西部,中部珠江入海口沿岸地区岸线旅游价值中等。岛屿岸线旅游价值空间差异较大,价值最高的集中在大亚湾海域的三门岛、喜洲岛、鸡心岛、大辣甲岛和珠江口的内伶仃岛、江门的上下川岛北部;岸线旅游价值较低的集中在珠海的万山群岛和担杆岛等。 The domestic demands of coastal tourism have increased rapidly in recent years, stimulating the development and utilization of coastal areas. At the same time, unreasonable development patterns bring a series of resource and environment problems that require scientific evaluation of coastal tourism value to guide regional sustainable development. This paper constructs a coastline tourism value assessment model with three dimensions:coastline natural attributes, tourism development factors, and location factors. Combined with the particularity of coastal tourism, indicators such as coastline type, sea water quality, tourism infrastructure, land use, and scenic spots are selected. The model focuses on the Pearl River Delta to quantitatively assess the tourism value and its spatial distribution on the mainland and island coastlines. The results show that in the Pearl River Delta, the advantageous coastline for tourism accounts for 25.50%, the middle value coastline for 40.67%, and the low and lowest value coastlines for 30.52% and 3.31%, respectively. From the perspective of spatial distribution, the tourism value of the eastern part of the Pearl River Delta is higher than the western part. The highest tourism value of mainland coastline is concentrated in Huizhou Xunliao Bay, Shenzhen Daya Bay, Dapeng Bay, and Shenzhen Bay. These areas have excellent water quality, long sandy coastlines, superior natural conditions, and better tourism infrastructure. The lowest tourism value of mainland coastline is concentrated in the west of Huangmaohai, mainly because most of its coastline is artificial and estuarine and the location advantage is insufficient. The tourism value of the central part of the Pearl River estuary is medium. There is a big spatial difference in the tourism value of island shoreline. The highest value is concentrated in Sanmen Island, Xizhou Island, Jixin Island, Dalajia Island in Daya Bay, Neilingding Island in the Pearl River Estuary, and the north of Shang Xiachuan Island;the lowest value is concentrated in Wanshan Island and Dangan Island in Zhuhai. On the county scale, the tourism value of the Pearl River Delta coastal area has a significant spatial autocorrelation. The coastlines with higher comprehensive value are concentrated in Bao’an District, Longgang District, Futian District,and Yantian District of Shenzhen;the coastlines with lower value are concentrated in Jinwan District and Doumen District of Zhuhai. This research has made some exploration in the scientific evaluation of the tourism value of the coastal zone and enriched the theory of tourism resources development of the coastal zone. It also has reference value for clarifying the development orientation of different coastal areas and regions, giving full play to the advantages of tourism resources, making reasonable development strategies, and providing policy support for the development of the coastal region tourism in the Pearl River Delta.
作者 李苑君 吴旗韬 陈聪 张玉玲 张争胜 张虹鸥 Li Yuanjun;Wu Qitao;Chen Cong;Zhang Yuling;Zhang Zhengsheng;Zhang Hong’ou(Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510640,China;Guangzhou Institute of Geography,Guangzhou 510070,China;School of Geosciences,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《热带地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期164-174,共11页 Tropical Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金(41801144) 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(广州)人才团队引进重大专项(GML2019ZD0301)
关键词 旅游价值 海岸线 评估体系 珠江三角洲 tourism value shoreline evaluation system the Pearl River Delta
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