
构建善意共在的高水平高职学校治理结构 被引量:2

摘要 建设高水平高职学校是职业教育领域综合改革的标志。优化并完善高职学校内外部治理结构,形成以健全章程为核心的现代高水平高职学校制度体系,已成为职业教育现代化发展的必由之路。而明确高水平职业学校内外部治理结构关系、权力指向以及运行机理,是优化高水平职业学校治理结构、实现治理能力现代化的关键举措。针对目前高职学校办学动力不足、校企合作模式单一以及高职学校内部权力清单与责任清单不明确等问题,笔者试图以“中国特色高水平高职学校和专业建设计划”、《国家职业教育改革实施方案》等政策性文件为依据,探讨如何将善治与职业教育的特征相结合,构建善意共在的高水平高职学校治理结构。 In 2019, the State Council issued The Implementation Plan of National Vocational Education Reform and launched the construction plan of high-level vocational colleges and specialties with Chinese characteristics, marking that China’s higher vocational education has entered the development stage of "improving quality and efficiency". Facing the new stage of development, the characteristics of the modernization of higher vocational education from the theoretical and structural elements require further investigation, which aim at endogenous development of higher vocational education, change the governance philosophy, and discover the effective strategies to realize the modernization of higher vocational education. Among them, the construction of high-level major cluster is the most important, that must lead the reforms, support the developments, and assure the international level with Chinese characteristics, in order to achieve high-quality development through modern concepts, governance and technological innovation. The sustainable development of high-level major cluster is devoted to the governance structure of high-level vocational colleges. In order to build a high-level governance structure with good faith, symbiotic interaction and responsibility sharing should act as key principles among the major stakeholders. It is essential for each stakeholder from governance to participate in the consultation process, and form an internal and external governance supervision and inquiry mechanism for better communication. It is important to improve the governance structure of vocational colleges by strengthening the structure of double-position teachers, which is beneficial to the professional construction and reform of vocational colleges. However, in the process of modernization, there are still some practical problems in the information construction of vocational colleges. It is necessary to form a joint effort among the government, enterprises and colleges to strengthen the system structure, and establish a resource management mechanism with information symmetry.
作者 陈亮 CHEN Liang
出处 《大学教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期119-122,127,共4页 University Education Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“扶贫攻坚后期‘三区三州’职业教育精准发展研究”(19YJC880144)
关键词 高职学校 国家职业教育 校企合作模式 职业教育现代化 改革实施方案 学校治理结构 外部治理结构 权力清单 modernization of higher vocational education double high plan top quality vocational college high level major cluster double-position teachers
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