
互联网领域未依法申报经营者集中的执法困境及其解决方案 被引量:10

The Solutions to the Law Enforcement Difficulties for the Failures in Declaring the Concentrations of Business Operators on the Internet
摘要 我国的经营者集中审查制度诞生于实体经济时代,在应对互联网领域未依法申报行为的监管过程中其不足与乏力开始显露。为提高和完善互联网领域未依法申报经营者集中的执法效果,有必要在包容审慎的监管态度之下对现有制度进行补正,包括在营业额申报标准基础上附加交易额标准,依据营业额比例加大处罚力度,明确对互联网领域VIE架构的执法态度,充分发挥并适度行使依职权启动调查的自由裁量权。 The review system of the concentrations of business operators in China was born in the era of real economy,and its shortcomings and weaknesses began to expose in the surveillance process for the failures in declaring the concentrations under the impact of the Internet.Therefore,in order to improve the law enforcement effect for the failures,it is necessary to correct the existing system with the surveillance attitude of tolerance and prudence.The relevant methods includes:adding transaction standard to turnover declaration basic standard,raising the penalty for non-declaration by raising fines based on a certain proportion of the turnover,making law enforcement attitude clear for the VIE structure on the Internet,and giving full play and moderate exercise to the discretion to begin investigations based on official power.
作者 陈肖盈 Chen Xiaoying
出处 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期46-52,共7页 Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“‘三期叠加’背景下经营者集中申报标准优化研究”(15CFX063)的阶段性成果。
关键词 互联网 未依法申报经营者集中 申报标准 VIE架构 the Internet failures in declaring the concentrations of business operators declaration standard VIE structure
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  • 1王锡锌.行政自由裁量权控制的四个模型--兼论中国行政自由裁量权控制模式的选择[J].北大法律评论,2009(2):311-328. 被引量:77
  • 2反垄断法草案(2006年6月)第17条.
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  • 4Article 1, Council regulation (EC) No. 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the Control of concentrations between undertakings ( the EC Merger Regulation) , Official Journal of the European Union, 29.1. 2004.
  • 5Recommended Practices for Merger Notification Procedures, 资料来源:www. internatiuonalcompetition network. org/aboutus.html.
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  • 7Comment 3 to paragraph B of Article 1, Nexus to Reviewing Jurisdiction.
  • 8Comment 1 to paragraph C of Article 1, Nexus to Reviewing Jurisdiction.
  • 9Comment 2 to paragraph C of Article 1, Nexus to Reviewing Jurisdiction.
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