

“Bid Rigging”: A Special Behavior Pattern of Japanese Enterprises
摘要 “谈合”是日本企业的一种特殊的行为模式,也被视为潜规则,它是指项目招标时参与竞标的企业组成集团,在内部协商中标企业或标底价。在民主主义制度下,尽管出台了法律阻止这种潜规则的出现,但“谈合”作为日本企业的一种行为模式,依然发挥着隐性影响力。“谈合”所体现的注重“和”意识等企业行为特征,值得我们关注。 "Bid Rigging"is an unwritten rule in the Japanese economic sphere,referred to a group of enterprises participating in bidding at the time of invitation to bid 9 which shall negotiate internally the winning enterprise or the reserve price of the bid.Under a democratic system,although there is some restriction against the hidden law,bid rigging,as a special behavior pattern of Japanese enterprises,still have a hidden influence.The emphasis on coordination reflected in the bid rigging of Japanese enterprises deserves more attention.
作者 胡亮 HU Liang
出处 《东北亚学刊》 2020年第1期123-132,151,共11页 Journal of Northeast Asia Studies
关键词 “谈合” 潜规则 企业行为 "bid rigging" hidden law behavior of Japanese enterprises
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