The custom of believing in witches prevailed in Jiangnan regions in the Yuan Dynasty, which were mainly reflected as believing in witches but not doctors or combination of witches and doctors, praying to sorcerers and sorceresses during flood and drought disasters as well as worshiping divination. And sorcerers and sorceresses also brought harm to the society, including inciting people, assembling people to cast spell, threatening the social order, and threatening the ruling system by causing rebellions. Besides collecting prayers’ money, they also got profits and influenced the state corvee by encouraging others to disentomb graves. What’s more, the custom of believing in witches instead of doctors blocked the development of folk medicine. In view of all the harms to the local society, local officials enhanced the fight against sorcerers and sorceresses, not only for the sake of rectifying social order and strengthening grassroots political power, but also for the purpose of regaining their right to speak in local areas and establishing the authority of local government.
Agricultural Archaeology
the Yuan Dynasty
sorcerer and sorceress
local governance
Confucian officials