

Text Proofreading of Different Editions of Yang Xiong Ji
摘要 《扬雄集》古本虽早已亡佚,但自宋代以来相继有多种辑本产生。宋人辑本有五卷、六卷本两种,明人辑本则有三卷、六卷、五卷、一卷本四种。明人辑本中的《蜀都赋》《太玄赋》《逐贫赋》《元后诔》《答刘歆书》《州箴》《官箴》皆辑自章樵本《古文苑》。而《文选》与《汉书》中共有的《甘泉》《羽猎》《长杨》《解嘲》《赵充国颂》,汪本、郑本、张溥本应皆是据《文选》辑录,张燮本则据《汉书》辑录。《河东赋》《酒赋》《反离骚》《上书谏勿许单于朝》《解难》,诸家皆辑自《汉书》。仔细比较四种明人辑本的目录及具体内容,可知四者之间应无直接的因袭关系。《四库提要》等谓张溥本因袭张燮本之说,至少就《扬侍郎集》而言是难以成立的。 Although the ancient edition of Yang Xiong Ji has been lost for a long time,there have been multiple re-edited editions since the Song Dynasty.There are two editions in the Song Dynasty,five volumes and six volumes.As for the Ming Dynasty compilations,there are up to four types:three volumes,six volumes,five volumes,and one volume.The source of the literature on which the Ming Dynasty’s editorial work was based can be confirmed by proofreading.Basically,"Shu Capital Rhapsody","The Great Dark Rhapsody","Expelling Poverty","Dirge for the Empress","Reply to Liu Xin","Regional Admonitions" and "Official Admonitions" are all derived from the Garden of Ancient literature.Articles such as "Sweet Springs Rhapsody","Barricade Hunt Rhapsody","Ch’ang-yang Rhapsody","Dissolving Ridicule","Song of Zhao Chongguo",appear in both The Literary Selections and History of the Former Han,but Wang’s edition,Zheng’s edition and Zhang Pu’s edition are all selected and edited from The Literary Selections,and Zhang Xie’s edition is based on History of the Former Han.As for "Ho-tung Rhapsody","Admonition on Wine","Contra Sao","Expostulation Letter of Prohibiting ChanYu From Visiting",and "Dissolving Objection",all are compiled from History of the Former Han.A careful comparison of the catalogs and specific contents of the four Ming editions shows that there should be no direct hereditary relationship between the four.Siku Summary believes that Zhang Pu’s edition inherited Zhang Xie’s edition,which is difficult to establish at least for Yang Shi Lang Ji.
作者 沈相辉 SHEN Xiang-hui(Department of Chinese Language and Literature,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
机构地区 北京大学中文系
出处 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期135-146,共12页 Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“汉魏六朝集部文献集成”(13&ZD109)子项目“汉魏六朝文学纪事” 国家留学基金(留金选[2019]110) 北京大学博士研究生校长奖学金资助
关键词 《扬雄集》 辑本 《古文苑》 《汉书》 《文选》 Yang Xiong Ji Compilation Garden of Ancient literature History of the Former Han The Literary Selections
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  • 1《钦定四库全书总目》,北京:中华书局1997年版,第2617页.
  • 2郑樵.《通志》.《丛书集成初编》本.上海:商务印书馆,1935年,第825页.
  • 3《清人书目题跋丛刊》(九).北京:中华书局,1993年,第1138,1139页.
  • 4黄丕烈,屠友详校注.《荛园藏书题识》.上海:上海远东出版社,1999年.第786页.
  • 5曹元忠.《笺经室所见宋元书题跋》.黄丕烈;王国维.《宋板书考录》.北京:北京图书馆出版社,2003年.第699-704页.
  • 6王文进.《文禄堂访书记》.柳向春标点.上海:上海古籍出版社,2007年,第371页.
  • 7《清人书目题跋丛刊》(二).北京:中华书局,1987年,第879,879-890页.
  • 8冯惠民,李万健等主编.《明人书目题跋丛刊》.北京:书目文献出版社,1994年,第78页.
  • 9《文渊阁书目》.《丛书集成初编本》.上海:商务印书馆,1935年,第95页.
  • 10《文渊阁书目》.《丛书集成初编本》.上海:商务印书馆,1935年,卷首.








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