
不同类型足舟骨骨折的手术治疗方式及临床疗效观察 被引量:2

Surgical Treatment and Clinical Curative Effect of Different Types of Scaphoid Fractures
摘要 目的探讨不同类型足舟骨骨折的手术治疗方式及临床疗效观察。方法选该院2017年9月-2019年9月收治的86例足舟骨骨折患者。依据其骨折类型选择不同的手术治疗方式进行治疗。术后定期复查拍摄X线片和CT扫描了解其愈合状况。结果86例患者进行随访12~36个月。切口愈合均为甲级。未见复位丢失。同时,还观察到5例患者诱发足舟骨缺血坏死,其中1例在术后半年全部坏死,并继发扁平足,其通过三关节融合术继续进行治疗,另外4例为部分坏死,行距舟关节及舟楔关节融合术继续进行治疗;而其AOFAS踝与中足平均评分为(86.9±9.5)分,恢复状况良好。结论选择合适的手术固定方式对不同类型的足舟骨骨折患者进行治疗,效果较为显著。 Objective To investigate the surgical treatment and clinical efficacy of different types of scaphoid fractures.Methods 86 patients with scaphoid fractures were selected in our hospital from Sepemler 2017 to Soptember 2019.According to the type of fracture,different surgical treatment methods are selected for treatment.X-ray films and CT scans were taken regularly to understand the healing status.Results 86 patients were followed up for 12-36 months.The wound healing was grade A.No reset is lost.At the same time,5 patients were also observed to induce ischemic necrosis of the scaphoid bone.One of them was completely necrotic in the first half of the operation,and the flattened foot was followed by three-joint fusion.The other 4 cases were partial necrosis.Joint and scapular joint fusion continued treatment;the average score of AOFAS and midfoot was(86.9±9.5)points,and the recovery was good.Conclusion Selecting the appropriate surgical fixation method for the treatment of different types of scaphoid fracture patients,the effect is more significant.
作者 戚长林 QI Changlin(Department of Traumatology,the First People's Hospital of Jining City,Jining Shandong,272000,China)
出处 《双足与保健》 2019年第24期1-2,5,共3页 Biped and Health
关键词 足舟骨骨折 不同类型固定 手术治疗 Scaphoid fracture Different types of fixation Surgical treatment
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