

The Methodological Enlightenment of Gutian Conference to the Reform and Innovation of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges and Universities in the New Era
摘要 古田会议初步阐述了党的思想政治工作和思政课建设的基本原则和方法,对于进一步推进新时代高校思政课改革创新具有方法论的指导意义。新时代思政课建设要继承和弘扬古田会议开创的思想政治工作优良传统,坚持问题导向,牢固树立思政课“关键课程”“标志性工程”的地位;坚持队伍带动,把提升教师个体综合素养和团队建设质量作为推进思政课改革创新的关键;坚持教学对象、内容与方法相统一,推进教学方法改革创新;坚持协同育人理念,汇聚全党全社会优势和力量,形成努力办好思政课的工作合力。 Gutian Conference tentatively expounded the basic principles and methods of the Party′s ideological and political work and the construction of ideological and political theory courses,which has a methodological significance for further promoting the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities in the new era.Therefore,in the new era,the construction of ideological and political courses must inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of ideological and political work initiated in the Gutian Conference in ways as follows,adhering to problem orientation,and strengthening the courses′status as"key courses"and"landmark projects",adhering to team-leading effect and taking the improvement of teachers′literacy and the quality of team building as the key to the reform and innovation of the courses,adhering to the unification of teaching objects,content and methods,and promoting the reform and innovation of teaching methods,adhering to the concept of collaborative education,and gathering the advantages and strength of the Party and society so as toform a joint effort to do a good job in ideological and political courses.
作者 郑崇玲 ZHENG Chongling(College of Marxism, Minjiang University, Fuzhou 350108, China)
出处 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 2020年第1期32-36,共5页 Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi
基金 2016年度教育部人文社会科学研究专项“古田会议关于党的纪律建设思想及其当代价值”(16JD710089) 2019年闽江学院社科重点项目“近百年来中国共产党领导高校思政课建设的文献整理、历史考察和重大经验总结研究”(MYS19028)之成果
关键词 古田会议 高校 思政课 改革创新 十大教授法 Gutian Conference colleges and universities courses of ideological and political theories reform and innovation ten top instructive methods
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