
高斯马尔科夫随机场数字图像分析处理软件的设计与实现 被引量:2

Design of digital image analysis and processing software for Gaussian Markov random field
摘要 针对数字图像高斯马尔科夫随机场统计特征分析计算问题的需求,使用MATLAB语言设计了数字图像高斯马尔科夫随机场纹理特征参数统计分析程序,并给出了软件算法在MATLAB开发平台上程序的源代码。该软件能够在图像处理与模式识别研究领域用于获取数字图像的GMRF统计纹理特征参数,程序运行速度快,交互性好,预留了程序批处理接口,能够解决图像高斯—马尔可夫随机场特征统计分析问题。 In view of the needs of statistical characteristics analysis and calculation of digital image Gaussian Markov random field,this paper designs the statistical analysis program of texture characteristics parameters of digital image Gaussian Markov random field,and gives the source code of software algorithm on MATLAB development platform.The software can be used to obtain GMRF statistical texture feature parameters of digital images in the field of image processing and pattern recognition.The program runs fast and has good interactivity.The program batch processing interface is reserved,which can solve the problem of image Gaussian Markov random field feature statistical analysis.
作者 王辉 丛榆坤 陈金阳 王敏 WANG Hui;CONG Yu-kun;CHEN Jin-yang;WANG Min(Panjin Vocational and Technology College, Panjin 124000, China)
出处 《黑龙江科学》 2020年第2期33-34,37,共3页 Heilongjiang Science
基金 辽宁省百千万人才工程科研项目(2017014)
关键词 高斯马尔科夫随机场 图像处理技术 纹理特征 软件设计 MATLAB Gaussian Markov random field Image processing technology Texture features Software design MATLAB
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