
“我将无我,不负人民”重要论述的四重意蕴 被引量:4

Four Implications of Important Exposition of “I will Put aside My Own Well-being for the Good of My People”
摘要 习近平总书记提出的“我将无我,不负人民”这一重要论述,集中彰显了中国共产党人“以人民为中心”思想的重要理念,其理论品质有四重意蕴:坚持人民主体的世界观,保证人民是权力的主体、发展的主体、实践的主体;坚持服务人民的人生观,一切为了人民,一切依靠人民;坚持人民至上的价值观,以实现人民根本利益为价值旨归,以符合人民期待为价值评价标准,以本国和各国人民福祉的有机统一为价值升华;坚持人民立场的文化观,体现了中国共产党执政为民的党内政治文化,继承了中国优秀传统文化中的“无我”之境和民本思想的精髓,同时也践行了为人民无私奉献的敬业精神。这一重要论述将马克思主义人民观深入贯彻于新时代中国特色社会主义各项事业中,是马克思主义中国化的最新理论成果。 Xi Jinping,general secretary of the CPC Central Committee,put forward the important exposition of“I will put aside my own well-being for the good of my people”,which intensively highlights the important notion of the ideology of“people-centered”of the Chinese Communists,its theoretical quality has four implications:adhere to the world outlook of the people as the main body,ensure that the people are the main body of the power,development and practice;uphold the view of life of serving the people,all for the people,all relying on the people;adhere to the values of“people are the most supreme”,take the realization of the fundamental interests of the people as the goal of value and the conformity with the expectations of people as the standard of value evaluation,and take the organic unity of the well-being of the people of our country and other countries as the sublimation of value;adhere to the cultural outlook of the people s position,reflecting the inner-party political culture of the Communist Party of China of running the power for the people,inheriting the“selfless”state and the essence of the people-oriented thought in Chinese excellent traditional culture,and practicing the professionalism of selfless dedication to the people.This important exposition is the latest theoretical achievement of the sinicization of Marxism,it thoroughly implements the Marxist viewpoint of the people in various undertakings of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
作者 陆卫明 罗晓婷 LU Wei-ming;LUO Xiao-ting(College of Marxism,Xi an Jiaotong University,Xi an 710049,China;College of Marxism,Shaanxi University of Science and Technology,Xi an 710021,China)
出处 《浙江工商大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期16-24,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“民主革命时期中国共产党领导核心形成的历史逻辑与作用机理研究”(17ADJ007) 陕西省社会科学基金重点项目“中国优秀传统文化与社会主义核心价值观的结合机理研究”(2016A001)
关键词 以人民为中心 世界观 人生观 价值观 文化观 people-centered world outlook view of life view of values view of culture
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