
循环流水槽养殖草鱼与池塘精养草鱼营养品质比较 被引量:16

Analysis on Nutritional Quality between Grass Carp Cultured in Circulating Flume and Intensive Culture Pond
摘要 为了解循环流水槽养殖草鱼与池塘精养草鱼营养品质的差异,选取相同饲料源的循环流水槽养殖草鱼[平均体重:(723.89±71.54)g,平均体长:(340.86±8.88)mm]和池塘精养草鱼[平均体重:(680.35±155.13)g,平均体长:(334.00±21.40)mm]各12尾,测定形态指标与肌肉剪切力、质构特性、色泽以及常规营养成分、氨基酸、脂肪酸和矿物元素含量。结果显示:1)循环流水槽养殖草鱼的硬度、黏性、咀嚼性、回复性和剪切力均显著高于池塘精养草鱼(P<0.05)。2)循环流水槽养殖草鱼的肌肉水分含量显著低于池塘精养草鱼(P<0.05),肌肉粗脂肪含量低于池塘精养草鱼,但差异不显著(P>0.05),肌肉粗蛋白质和粗灰分含量均高于池塘精养草鱼,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。3)循环流水槽养殖草鱼的肌肉氨基酸总量(TAA)、必需氨基酸总量(TEAA)和呈味氨基酸总量(TDAA)高于池塘精养草鱼,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。循环流水槽养殖草鱼和池塘精养草鱼肌肉中TAA分别为77.11%和76.61%,TEAA和TDAA分别占TAA的40.87%和40.43%、46.10%和46.06%。4)循环流水槽养殖草鱼肌肉中不饱和脂肪酸(UFA)占脂肪酸总量的百分比(69.68%)高于池塘精养草鱼(68.44%),但差异不显著(P>0.05)。循环流水槽养殖草鱼和池塘精养草鱼肌肉中饱和脂肪酸(SFA)占脂肪酸总量的百分比分别为21.78%和18.58%,两者差异显著(P<0.05)。循环流水槽养殖草鱼肌肉中未检测到二十碳五烯酸(EPA),二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)含量为0.44%;池塘精养草鱼肌肉中EPA含量为0.10%,DHA含量为0.55%。5)循环流水槽养殖草鱼肌肉中钾、镁、铁、铜含量显著高于池塘精养草鱼(P<0.05),钠、锌显著低于池塘精养草鱼(P<0.05)。由此得出,循环流水槽养殖草鱼的营养品质总体上优于池塘精养草鱼。 This experiment was conducted to analyze the difference of nutritional quality between grass carp cultured in circulating flume and intensive culture pond.Twelve grass carp cultured in circulating flume[aver⁃age body weight:(723.89±71.54)g,average body length:(340.86±8.88)mm]and intensive culture pond[average body weight:(680.35±155.13)g,average body length:(334.00±21.40)mm]and fed the same feed source were selected,respectively,which were used to analyze morphological indices,and muscle texture characteristics,color,shearing force,the contents of common nutrients,amino acids,fatty acids and mineral elements.The results were as follows:1)the hardness,gumminess,chewiness,resilience and shearing force of grass carp cultured in circulating flume were significantly higher than those of grass carp cultured in pond in⁃tensive(P<0.05).2)The muscle moisture content of grass carp cultured in circulating flume was significantly lower than that of grass carp cultured in pond intensive grass carp(P<0.05),the muscle crude fat was lower than that of grass carp cultured in pond intensive grass carp,and the muscle crude protein and ash contents were higher than those of grass carp cultured in pond intensive grass carp,but no significant difference in mus⁃cle crude fat,crude protein and ash contents(P>0.05).3)The total amount of amino acids(TAA),the total amount of essential amino acids(TEAA)and the total amount of delicious amino acids(TDAA)in muscle of grass carp cultured in circulating flume were higher than those of grass carp cultured in pond intensive grass carp,but the differences were not significant(P>0.05).The TAA of grass carp cultured in circulating flume and intensive culture pond was 77.11%and 76.61%,and the TEAA and the TDAA accounted for were 40.87%and 40.43%,46.10%and 46.06%,respectively,of the TAA.4)The proportion of unsaturated fatty acids(UFA)in total fatty acids(69.68%)in muscle of grass carp cultured in circulating flume was higher than that of grass carp cultured in intensive culture pond(68.44%),but no significant difference(P>0.05).The proportion of saturated fatty acids(SFA)in total fatty acids in muscle of grass carp cultured in circulating flume and intensive culture pond was 21.78%and 18.58%,respectively,and the difference was significant(P<0.05).Eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA)was not detected and the content of docosahexaenoic acid(DHA)was 0.44%in muscle of grass carp cultured in circulating flume,and the contents of EPA and DHA in muscle of grass carp cultured in intensive culture pond were 0.10%and 0.55%,respectively.5)The contents of po⁃tassium(K),magnesium(Mg),iron(Fe)and copper(Cu)in muscle of grass carp cultured in circulating flume were significantly higher than those of grass carp cultured in intensive culture pond(P<0.05),while the contents of sodium(Na)and zinc(Zn)in muscle were significantly lower than those of grass carp cultured in intensive culture pond(P<0.05).To sum up,the nutritional quality of grass carp cultured in circulating flume is slightly better than that of grass carp cultured in intensive culture pond.
作者 周彬 唐洪玉 朱成科 郑永华 范思林 刘长江 ZHOU Bin;TANG Hongyu;ZHU Chengke;ZHENG Yonghua;FAN Silin;LIU Changjiang(College of Animal Science and Technology,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China;College of Animal Science,Rongchang Campus of Southwest University,Chongqing 402460,China)
出处 《动物营养学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期948-958,共11页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANIMAL NUTRITION
基金 重庆市生态渔产业技术体系——特色养殖研究(2019-03)
关键词 循环流水槽养殖 草鱼 肌肉品质 质构特性 氨基酸 脂肪酸 cultured in circulating flume grass carp muscle quality texture characteristics amino acids fatty acids
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