
品种及含水率对谷子籽粒力学性质的影响 被引量:7

Effects of variety and moisture content on mechanical properties of millet
摘要 谷子籽粒群是具有黏弹性性质的生物材料,谷子加工储藏和机械收获等作业环节需考虑其黏弹性,该文研究了不同品种、不同含水率对谷子籽粒群黏弹性力学指标的影响。该试验以不同品种、不同含水率为试验因素,以谷子籽粒群的瞬时弹性模量、迟滞弹性模量、松弛时间和黏度系数为试验指标进行蠕变试验,并对试验结果进行方差分析。结果表明:谷子籽粒群的蠕变特性可由四元件Burgers模型描述,不同含水率、不同品种谷子籽粒群的蠕变参数各异。品种对谷子籽粒群的迟滞弹性模量影响显著,晋谷21号谷子籽粒群的迟滞弹性模量均值为0.609 3 MPa,显著高于张杂10号的0.522 2 MPa。含水率对谷子籽粒群的瞬时弹性模量、迟滞弹性模量和黏度系数影响均显著,均呈随含水率升高而降低的趋势,含水率为12.10%的谷子籽粒群的瞬时弹性模量0.752 6 MPa显著高于含水率为16.05%的0.613 6 MPa和20.00%的0.569 7 MPa,含水率为12.10%、16.05%、20.00%的谷子籽粒群的迟滞弹性模量分别为0.706 4、0.583 5、0.407 5 MPa,含水率为12.10%的谷子籽粒群的黏度系数1 234.7 MPa·s显著高于20.00%的796.8 MPa·s,含水率对谷子籽粒群的松弛时间影响不显著。该文通过试验研究了不同品种和不同含水率的谷子籽粒群的蠕变特性,为谷子低损收获、加工储藏及参数优化提供了理论支持。 In order to clarify the rheological mechanical properties of millet grain group during mechanical harvesting and processing, this paper studied the effects of different varieties and different moisture contents on the creep characteristics of millet grain group. In this experiment, different varieties(Jingu 21, Zhangza 10), and different moisture contents(12.10%, 16.05%, 20.00%) of millet grain group were selected as creep experimental factors. The creep characteristics(instantaneous elastic modulus, delayed elastic modulus, relaxation time and viscosity coefficient) of millet seed group were used as experimental indicators, and one-way analysis of variance and multi-factor analysis of variance were performed. Based on the original contents of millet seed group, the target moisture contents of the millet grain group were formulated to be 12.10%, 16.05%, 20.00%. The experiment was conducted on the CMT-6104 universal testing machine, and the special fixture for testing the creep characteristics of millet grain group was designed. Combining the Burgers model, nonlinear programming method was used to optimize search regression parameters, and creep parameters of millet grain group were obtained. The creep curve of millet grain group of different varieties showed that, as time going on, the amount of deformation caused by creep tended to be constant, which reaching the strain saturation. There were differences in the millet grain group creep characteristic curves of the different varieties. The significance test standard was 0.05, and the variance analysis was performed. The results showed that the creep characteristics of millet grain group could be described by the four-element Burgers model, and the creep parameters of millet grain group with different moisture content and different varieties were different. The variety had a significant effect on the delayed elastic modulus of the millet grain group. The delayed elastic modulus of the Jingu 21 millet grain group was higher than that of Zhangza 10. The moisture content had significant effects on the instantaneous elastic modulus, delayed elastic modulus and viscosity coefficient of the millet grain group, which was decreasing while the moisture increasing. The instantaneous elastic modulus of the millet grain group with the water content of 12.10% was significantly higher than the water content of 16.05% and 20.00%. The delayed elastic modulus of the millet grain group with the moisture content of 12.10% was significantly higher than the water content of 20.00%. The instantaneous elastic modulus and the delayed elastic modulus represented elasticity and hardness of the millet grain group, respectively. With the increasing of the moisture content of the millet grain group, the instantaneous elastic modulus and the delayed elastic modulus of millet grain group decreased, resulting in a high increasing of the creep curve. The strain in the screw conveyor of combine harvester was correspondingly larger. In this paper, the creep properties of millet grain group with different varieties and different moisture contents were studied experimentally, which provided theoretical support for low-loss harvesting, processing and storage and parameter optimization of millet. There are many factors affecting the mechanical properties of the material, in addition to the influence of moisture contents and varieties, it is also related to many factors such as temperature, internal molecular structure and chemical composition of the material, et al. The rheological properties of agricultural materials need to be further studied in conjunction with the principles of life sciences.
作者 邱述金 原向阳 郭玉明 崔清亮 武新慧 张志勇 Qiu Shujin;Yuan Xiangyang;Guo Yuming;Cui Qingliang;Wu Xinhui;Zhang Zhiyong(College of Engineering,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu 030801,China;College of Agriculture,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu 030801,China)
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第24期322-326,共5页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 “十三五”国家重点研发项目(2016YFD0701801) 国家现代农业产业体系(CARS-06-13.5-A28) 山西农业大学博士科研启动项目(2015YJ01) 晋中市科技重点研发计划(Y182013)
关键词 含水率 力学性能 模型 谷子籽粒群 蠕变特性 品种 moisture content mechanical properties model millet grain group creep characteristics variety
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