
分离主义运动中的动员模式:一种关于怨恨政治的族群冲突解释 被引量:2

Mobilization Model in the Separatist Movement: an Interpretation of the Ethnic Conflict in the Politics of Hatred
摘要 在少数族群中被视为具有威胁性的分离主义运动活跃的地区,族群认同很可能建立在某种排他性的族群身份基础之上。在此情况下,族群安全框架将占据主导地位,这也很容易引发族群间的紧张局势,甚至导致族群冲突升级。本文主要关注的是,为什么在不同国家或地区的分离主义运动中,动员模式会存在差异?换言之,为什么在寻求族群自决的过程中有些国家或地区会倾向于以经济目标为主,另一些会倾向于以政治目标为主,还有一些则倾向于以安全目标为主?在族群动员、争取独立的过程中,领导人试图赢得每一个潜在支持者的支持。由于分离主义者经常面临来自外部的强大压力,因此他们特别需要内部的民众支持。在分离主义运动的动员模式中,领导人可能会避免提出族群排斥性的立场。本文认为,在多族群的国内环境中,以什么名义寻求实现分离目标有着极大的区别。排斥少数族群的言论有可能会引发族群冲突,而如果分离主义运动的动员模式是以族群包容性来作为基础框架,则不同族群之间的和平就更有可能实现。 In areas where the existence of minorities is regarded as an active and threatening separatist movement,ethnic identity is likely to be based on some exclusive ethnic identity.Under such circumstances,the framework of ethnic security will dominate,which can easily trigger inter—ethnic tensions and even escalate ethnic conflicts.The main concern of this paper is why there are differences in mobilization patterns among separatist movements in different countries or regions.In other words,why do some countries or regions tend to focus on economic goals,some on political goals,and others on ethnic ones in the quest for self-determination?In the process of ethnic mobilization and independence,leaders try to win the support of every potential supporter of independence.Since separatists often face powerful threats from outside,they need internal support in particular.In the mobilization model of the separatist movement,leaders may avoid taking ethnically exclusionary positions.This paper holds that in a multi-ethnic domestic environment,there is a great difference in the name under which the goal of separation is pursued.Statements that exclude minorities may lead to ethnic conflicts.Peace among different ethnic groups is more likely to be achieved if the mobilization model of the separatist movement is based on ethnic inclusion rather than exclusion.
作者 张敦伟 Zhang Dunwei(Hainan Academy of Social Sciences)
出处 《区域与全球发展》 2020年第2期71-92,156,157,共24页 Area Studies and Global Development
关键词 分离主义 族群冲突 动员模式 怨恨政治 族群分布 separatism ethnic conflict mobilization model hatred politics ethnic distribution
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