
基于“精准药学”指导的剖宫产术后败血症合并妊娠期高血压患者治疗的临床实践 被引量:5

Clinical practice of one patient with sepsis and pregnancy-induced hypertension after cesarean section based on “accurate medicine”
摘要 目的:将群体药动学软件应用于剖宫产术后败血症合并妊娠期高血压患者的治疗,并对患者实施个体化药学监护,探讨产科临床药师的作用。方法:在1例剖宫产术后败血症合并高血压患者的治疗过程中,产科临床药师运用群体药动学软件对抗感染和降压药物的治疗方案进行分析和建议,预防和处理药品不良反应,对患者进行在院的用药教育和出院的跟踪随访。结果:在临床药师的积极参与下,患者的败血症和妊娠期高血压得到了有效的治疗,药品不良反应也得到了控制、转归。结论:产科临床药师以专业特长参与临床治疗,实施个体化药学监护,协助医师优化治疗方案,进一步提高了临床药物治疗的水平。 Objective:To apply group pharmacokinetic software to the treatment of a patient with sepsis complicated with pregnancy-induced hypertension after cesarean section,and carry out individualized pharmaceutical care for patients for the exploration of the role of obstetric clinical pharmacists.Methods:In the treatment of a patient with sepsis and pregnancy-induced hypertension after cesarean section,the obstetric clinical pharmacists used the group pharmacokinetic software to analyze and recommend treatment regimens for anti-infection and anti-hypertension,in an effort to deal with adverse drug reactions.Clinical pharmacists conducted patient medication education in hospital and follow-up discharge.Results:With the active involvement of clinical pharmacists,the patient with sepsis and pregnancy-induced hypertension were effectively treated,and adverse drug reactions were controlled and recovered.Conclusion:Obstetric clinical pharmacists could actively participate in clinical treatment with their professional expertise,implement individualized pharmaceutical care,assist physicians in optimizing treatment regimens,thus further improving the level of clinical drug treatment.
作者 虞燕霞 彭兰 唐莲 薛盛敏 尚尔宁 薛苏冬 YU Yanxia;PENG Lan;TANG Lian;XUE Shengmin;SHANG Erning;XUE Sudong(Department of Pharmacy,the Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Suzhou Municipal Hospital,Jiangsu Suzhou 215002,China;Department of Obstetrics,the Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Suzhou Municipal Hospital,Jiangsu Suzhou 215002,China)
出处 《药学服务与研究》 CAS 2020年第1期45-48,共4页 Pharmaceutical Care and Research
基金 2017年度江苏省药学会——奥赛康医院药学基金立项课题(A201726) 2016年度江苏省药学会——奥赛康医院药学基金立项课题(A201613)
关键词 剖宫产 败血症 妊娠期高血压 临床药师 cesarean section sepsis pregnancy-induced hypertension clinical pharmacist
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