
从业经历与农业经营方式选择:生产环节外包的视角 被引量:23

Employment Experience and Choice of Agricultural Management Mode:the Perspective of Outsourcing of Production Links
摘要 从业经历丰富的回流农村劳动力是乡村振兴的重要依靠力量,对促进农业经营方式转型,加快农业服务市场发育有重要作用。文章讨论的核心议题是不同从业经历是如何影响农业经营方式选择的,并尝试建立了"从业经历-个人能力-农业经营方式选择"的理论分析框架。为此,本文首先在一个简单理论架构下,对从业经历影响农业生产环节外包的作用机制进行归纳分析,之后分别利用probit模型和OLS模型,实证分析了务工、务农、经商经历对农户农业生产环节外包选择的影响,并运用倾向匹配得分模型(PSM)进行了稳健性检验,以期为我国农业经营方式转型提供参考。结果显示:务农经历固化了传统农业经营方式,不利于农户农业生产环节外包;务工经历有利于农户社会资本和经济资本的利用提高,促进了农户农业生产环节外包;经商经历对农户农业生产环节外包选择的影响未通过显著性检验;农地细碎化抑制了农户农业生产环节外包;采用PSM最近邻匹配进行检验,结果仍然稳健。因此,中国农业经营方式转型要考虑农户从业经历的多样性,鼓励部分有志于农业农村的农村劳动力回流,使农村劳动力在外出务工期间所获得的资本和能力在乡村更好地发挥作用,为乡村振兴提供人才支持;同时,应加快农地流转,降低农地细碎化程度,为农业社会化服务发展提供基础条件。 The rich return of rural labor force is an important force for rural revitalization. It plays an important role in promoting the transformation of agricultural management mode and accelerating the development of agricultural service market. The core topic of the article is how different employment experiences affect the choice of agricultural management methods,and try to establish a theoretical analysis framework of"employment experience-personal ability-agricultural management mode choice". To this end,the article firstly summarizes the mechanism of the employment experience affecting the outsourcing of agricultural production links under a simple theoretical framework,and then uses the probit model and the OLS model to empirically analyze the agricultural production of farmers,business,and business experience.The impact of the outsourcing selection and the use of the propensity matching score model(PSM)for the robustness test,in order to provide reference for the transformation of China’s agricultural management mode. The research shows that the agricultural farming experience has solidified the traditional agricultural management mode,which is not conducive to the outsourcing of farmers’ agricultural production links;the employment experience is conducive to the improvement of farmers’ social capital and economic capital,and promotes the outsourcing of agricultural production links of farmers;The impact of the failure did not pass the significance test;the fragmentation of agricultural land inhibited the outsourcing of farmers’ agricultural production links;after the PSM nearest neighbor matching test,the results were still stable.Therefore,the transformation of China’s agricultural management mode should consider the diversity of rural households’ experience,encourage some rural laborers who are interested in agriculture and rural areas to return,so that the capital and ability of rural laborers to work in the countryside can play a better role in the countryside. Revitalization provides talent support;at the same time,it should accelerate the transfer of agricultural land,reduce the degree of fragmentation of agricultural land,and provide basic conditions for the development of agricultural social services.
作者 罗明忠 唐超 邓海莹 Luo Mingzhong;Tang Chao;Deng Haiying
出处 《南方经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期68-81,共14页 South China Journal of Economics
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“农村土地承包经营权确权方式及其劳动力转移就业效应研究”(17AJL013) 广东省“攀登计划”哲学社会科学类重点项目“不同农地确权方式劳动力转移就业行为研究”(pdjh2019a0076) 国家自科基金政策研究重点项目“农地确权的现实背景、政策目标及效果评价”(71742003) 华南农业大学乡村振兴战略研究院项目“乡村振兴目标导向下城市资本流向农村信贷市场的制度创新研究”(XZY2019)的资助
关键词 从业经历 生产环节外包 乡村振兴 农地细碎化 Employment Experience Production Service Outsourcing Rural Revitalization Rine Fragmentation of Agricultural Land
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