
基于情境适配要素的移动图书馆资源推荐服务研究 被引量:2

Research on Resource Recommendation Service of Mobile Library Based on Situational Adaptation Factors
摘要 移动图书馆通过识别用户资源需求、合理有序适配情境,可为用户提供与之所处场景相契合的资源推荐服务,进而提升用户体验水平。采用归纳演绎法对移动图书馆资源推荐服务所涉及的情境适配要素进行深度挖掘,描述了移动图书馆资源推荐服务中用户、“情境-资源”交互、服务效能三大情境适配要素的耦合、映射关系,进而探讨了移动图书馆资源推荐服务优化路径。 Mobile libraries can provide users with resource recommendation services corresponding to the scene they are in by identifying users resource needs and adapting to the situation in a reasonable and orderly way,then,improve user experience.Through inductive deductive method,this article digs situational adaptation factors involved in the mobile library resources recommended service in depth,describes the coupling and mapping relations of the adaptation factors of users,“situations-resource”interactions,service efficiency,the three factors,in mobile library resources recommended service,and then discusses the optimum path of mobile library resources recommendation service.
作者 于浩 YU Hao
出处 《四川图书馆学报》 2020年第1期39-42,共4页 Journal of The Library Science Society of Sichuan
关键词 移动图书馆 情境适配要素 资源推荐 mobile library situational adaptation factor resource recommendation
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