
健康中国战略背景下的全球健康外交 被引量:8

Exploration on global health diplomacy under the background of healthy China strategy
摘要 本文分别从全球健康外交的定义、历史发展、特点与现状以及健康中国战略的实施背景入手,挖掘全球健康外交和健康中国战略的结合点,由此分析全球健康外交与我国卫生健康事业的发展不是割裂的两部分,而是一个互补的、生态可持续的循环体。进而分别以中国与中东欧国家、非洲国家的卫生健康合作实例阐述全球健康外交和健康中国战略的有机结合,分析二者相互促进与共同发展的功能。本文从人才培养、国别分析、多元行为体和智库建设等四个方面提出建议,以期进一步加强我国全球健康外交能力建设,为中国承担更多国际发展重任及参与全球卫生治理建言献策。 This article starts from the definition,historical development,features,current situation of global health diplomacy and the background of healthy China strategy to explore the combination of them.The article focuses on the analysis that global health diplomacy and the development of the health work in China are not two separate parts,but interact as a complementary and ecologically sustainable cycle.To explain the deeply combination of global health diplomacy and healthy China strategy,the authors present examples of health cooperation of China and Central and Eastern European Countries,and China and African countries.In order to improve China’s capability of global health governance and responsibility on global health,the authors propose four aspects of suggestions to further strengthen China’s global health diplomacy capacity building,improve the talent cultivation,attach importance to country analysis,welcome multi-participants and expertise.
作者 胡静然 王晓琪 HU Jing-ran;WANG Xiao-qi(Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,,Beijing 102206,China)
出处 《中国公共卫生管理》 2019年第6期721-724,共4页 Chinese Journal of Public Health Management
基金 中国疾控中心外事处WHO合作项目(601008)
关键词 全球健康外交 健康中国战略 全球卫生治理 国际合作 global health diplomacy healthy China strategy global health governance International cooperation
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