
湖南超级早稻产量及产量结构对气象因子的响应研究 被引量:3

Response of Yield and Yield Components to Meteorological Factors of Super Early Rice in Hunan
摘要 基于2015-2016年湖南不同气候区超级早稻分期播种试验资料及气象数据,探讨了湖南超级早稻产量及产量结构对气象因子的响应。结果表明,湖南不同气候区超级早稻生育期和产量结构存在一定差异,湘北超级早稻生育期较湘南和湘中偏长3~7 d,湘中理论产量最高,湘南理论产量次之,湘北理论产量最低。湖南不同气候区超级早稻产量结构对气象因子的响应存在一定差异,湘南超级早稻理论产量与全生育期的日平均气温和日照时数存在着显著相关性,湘中超级早稻理论产量与全生育期降水量和抽穗-乳熟期气温日较差存在着显著相关性,湘北超级早稻理论产量与全生育期日平均气温、分蘖-拔节期积温和抽穗-乳熟期气温日较差存在着显著相关性。湘南、湘中和湘北地区超级早稻千粒重与抽穗-乳熟期气温日较差存在着显著相关,湘南、湘中和湘北抽穗-乳熟期气温日较差分别为8.6、10.8和9.9℃时,千粒重达最大值。 Based on the experimental data of super early rice planting in different climatic zones in Hunan Province in 2015 and 2016,the response of the yield and yield components to meteorological factors of super early rice in Hunan Province was discussed.The results showed that there was some difference in growth period and yield components in different climate zones in Hunan Province.The whole growth duration of super early rice in northern Hunan was 3~7 days later than that in southern Hunan and central Hunan.The yield was highest in central Hunan,second in southern Hunan and lowest in northern Hunan.There was some difference in the response to meteorological factors of super early rice in yield and yield components in different climatic zones in Hunan Province.The correlation was significant between the theoretical yield of super early rice and the average daily temperature and sunshine hours in the whole growth period in southern Hunan between the theoretical yield of super early rice and the precipitation in the whole growth period in central Hunan and between the theoretical yield of super early rice and the average temperature in the whole growth period,accumulated temperature from tillering to jointing stage in northern Hunan.There exsited a significant correlation between 1000-grain weight of super early rice and daily temperature range from heading to milky stage in southern,central and northerm Hunan.When the daily temperature range from heading to milky stage was 8.6,10.8 and 9.9℃in southem central and northern Hunan,respectively,the 1000-grain weight would reach the maximum value.
作者 谢佰承 李涵茂 戴平 陆魁东 龙继锐 XIE Bai-cheng;LI Han-mao;DAI Ping;LU Kui-dong;LONG Ji-rui(Meteorological Science Institute of Hunan Province,Changsha,Hunan 410118,China;Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Key Laboratory of Hunan Province,Changsha,Hunan 410118,China;Hengyang Agro-meteorological Experiment Station,Hengyang,Hunan 421101,China;Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center,Changsha,Hunan 410125,China)
出处 《杂交水稻》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期52-59,共8页 Hybrid Rice
基金 中国气象局气象科技创新发展项目(GYHY201206020) “十二五”农村领域国家科技计划(2013BAD07B11-04) “十三五”国家重点研发计划(2016YFD0300101-05,2018YFD0301002)
关键词 超级早稻 湖南 产量 气象因子 super early rice Hunan yield meteorological factor
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