

The Psychological Curriculum Intervention:an Empirical Study on Junior High School Freshmen by Credit Admission
摘要 为切实保障进城随迁子女享有平等的入读公办学校的权利,一些城市的公办学校采用积分入学排名方式安排外来流动人员子女入读公办学校。为了提高初中积分入学新生的学校适应水平,帮助他们更好更快地适应公办学校生活,研究者首先设计了“初中积分入学新生学校适应能力提升课程”,从常规适应、课业适应、师生关系适应、同学关系适应、自我适应5个部分组织多个模块的主题内容,设计详细的认知、情感目标及其细化的教学环节;然后以广东省中山市镇区的一所公办初中192名初一年级积分入学新生为研究对象,采用学生在校生活状况问卷进行测试。研究结果表明,经过为期两个月的心理课程干预,实验组的学校学生适应水平总分及各维度显著高于对照组。可见,通过针对性的心理课程干预能有效提高初中积分入学新生的学校适应水平。为了更好地提高进城随迁子女的学校适应水平,学校应进行多维度的适应教育系统干预,加强适应较弱新生群体的个体干预,透过家校合作营造幸福和谐的家庭氛围,帮助初中积分入学新生更快适应学校生活。 In order to ensure that the children who move to cities enjoy equal rights to enter public schools,some public schools in some cities adopt the way of credit admission ranking to arrange the children of migrant workers to enter public schools.In order to improve the school adaptability of junior high school freshmen by credit admission and help them adapt to the public school life better and faster,the researcher first designed the school adaptability improvement course for them,and organized the subject content of multiple modules from five parts:routine adaptation,curriculum adaptation,teacher-student relationship adaptation,classmate relationship adaptation and self adaptation,and designed detailed cognition.Secondly,192 freshmen in Grade One of a public junior high school in Zhongshan City of Guangdong Province were taken as the research objects and tested with the questionnaire of students’living conditions in school.The results showed that after two months of psychological curriculumintervention,the total scores and dimensions of the students’adaptation level in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the control group.It can be seen that the targeted psychological curriculum intervention can effectively improve the school adaptation level of junior high school freshmen by credit admission.In order to improve the school adaptation level of the children who move with the city,the school should establish multi-dimensional adaptive education system intervention,strengthen the individual intervention to adapt to the weaker freshmen groups,create a happy and harmonious family atmosphere through the cooperation of home and school,and help the junior high school studentsto adapt to the learning life faster.
作者 邹丽琼 郑超明 Zou Liqiong;Zheng Chaoming
出处 《教育测量与评价》 2020年第3期57-64,共8页 Educational Measurement and Evaluation
基金 广东省中山市2016年市级重点立项课题“初中积分入学新生的学校适应现状及心理干预研究”(课题编号:B2016001)的研究成果
关键词 积分入学 随迁子女就读 学校适应 心理课程 心理干预 credit admission children with migration school adaptation psychological curriculum psychological intervention
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