
论建构中国特色哲学社会科学学术评价体系 被引量:16

On the Construction of the Academic Evaluation System of Philosophy and Social Sciences with Chinese Characteristics
摘要 建构中国特色哲学社会科学学术评价体系,是加快构建中国特色哲学社会科学的逻辑必然。当前,哲学社会科学学术评价在评价理念、评价标准和评价实施上仍没有走出悖谬的困境,因而,建构中国特色哲学社会科学学术评价体系,其任务是:营造有利于哲学社会科学工作者潜心治学和安心学术的学术环境、创制客观公正地反映哲学社会科学研究工作质量的指标要素体系、打造若干中国特色哲学社会科学学术评价的权威机构和知名品牌、推动建立国家哲学社会科学学术报告制度及其资源传播服务体系;其特征是:政治性与学术性的统一、世界性与本土性的统一、群众性和专业性的统一、价值性和工具性的统一。在具体建构策略上应做到:在评价范围上坚持综评与单评相结合、在评价内容上坚持学术和学科相结合、在评价对象上坚持评文与评刊相结合、在评价方法上坚持技评与人评相结合、在评价主体上坚持自评与他评相结合,最终建构一个以中国实际为前提、以中国特色为关键,兼顾政府评价和社会评价的结构丰富、形式多元、内涵包容的中国特色哲学社会科学学术评价体系。 Constructing an academic evaluation system of philosophy and social science with Chinese charac-teristics is a logical necessity for accelerating the construction of philosophy and social science withChinese characteristics. Currently, the academic evaluation of philosophy and social sciences has still not gone out of its dilemma in evaluation philosophy, evaluation standards and evaluation implementa-tion. Therefore, the task for constructing an academic evaluation system of philosophy and social sci-ence with Chinese characteristics is to create a conducive environment for scholars in philosophy andsocial sciences which enables them to concentrate on learning without worries or distractions, to estab-lish an index system that objectively and fairly reflects the quality of research work in philosophy andsocial sciences, to create authoritative institutions and well-known brands of academic evaluation ofphilosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, and to promote the establishment of a na-tional academic reporting system as well as the resource dissemination service system in philosophyand social sciences;the academic evaluation system is characterized by the unity of politics and aca-demia, the unity of globality and locality, the unity of the masses and professionals, and the unity of val-ue and instrumentality. In terms of specific strategies, we must pay attention to the combination of com-prehensive evaluation and single evaluation in the evaluation scope, the combination of academic evalu-ation and disciplinary evaluation in the evaluation content, the combination of paper assessment andjournal assessment in the evaluation object, the combination of technical evaluation and human evalua-tion in the evaluation method, and the combination of self-evaluation and peer evaluation in the evalua-tion subject, finally building an inclusive academic evaluation system of philosophy and social scienceswith Chinese characteristics, which is based on Chinese reality, with Chinese characteristics as the key,taking government evaluation and social evaluation into account.
作者 殷忠勇 Yin Zhongyong
机构地区 南京中医药大学
出处 《江苏社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期33-40,I0002,I0003,共10页 Jiangsu Social Sciences
基金 2016年度江苏省社会科学基金“传统宗教文化与中医学的现代关系建构研究”(16ZXB004) 2018年度江苏省教育科学“十三五”规划课题“学科群视域下一流学科建设高校的建设路径研究”(B-b/2018/01/15)阶段性成果
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