Village governance is an important topic for grassroots governance in China. Since the 18 th Nation-al Congress of the Communist Party of China, exploring how to achieve"effective governance"of villag-es has become an important research subject, and a large number of research achievements have beenmade. Existing studies, although aware of the important impact of collective economy on village gover-nance, focus on democratic elections in villages, and show"static"characteristics. The present article uses Hebei Village X as a case study to explore the impact of different internal elements of the collec-tive economy on village governance in different dimensions and stages. The research findings show thatthe collective economy of Village X has a positive driving effect on the village governance. Specifically,in the dimension of property right, the structure of property right of the collective economy lays an orderbasis for effective village governance;in the operational dimension, the management rules and manage-ment process in the collective economy stimulate villagers’ institutionalized participation in village gov-ernance;in the resource dimension, the governance performance of the collective economy provides a re-source guarantee for effective village governance. After the disappearance of the collective economy, itsinstitutional heritage still plays a vital role in maintaining effective village governance. Clarifying theimpact of collective economy on village governance will help to find out more precisely the ways inachieving effective village governance.
Guo Zhonghua;Wang Rong
Jiangsu Social Sciences