Since the Second World War,the United States has always maintained its policy investment to the Northeast Asia.During the Cold War,the United States’Northeast Asian policy focused on containing the Soviet Union,for achieve the goal,the Unite States took China and Japan as the main forces to balance the Soviet Union.After the Cold War,the main target of US Northeast Asian policy turned to contain China,and it continued to strengthen US alliances and suppress Russia and North Korea.Since taking office,Trump has strengthened his policy on Northeast Asia based on the goal of"making the United States great again,"disrupting peace and development in Northeast Asia from multiple areas,including economics,politics,and security.Under the influence of Trump’s policies,the economic integration process of Northeast Asia regional cooperation has accelerated and expanded to non-economic areas,however,security interests have become more complicated and pressure for peace has increased.To cope with the adverse effects of the Trump administration’s policies,China should maintain a peaceful development environment in Northeast Asia in a number of ways,including promoting sub-regional cooperation,stabilizing the domestic economy,strengthening China-Russia strategic cooperation,and strengthening China-US dialogue.
Piao Guangji;Li Fang;Wang Lihe