5Kenneth Burke, Language as Symbolic Action : Essays on Life Lit- erature and Method, Berkeley & Los Angeles:Univ. of California Press, 1966.
6Susan Petrilli (ed) , Signifying and Understanding : Reading the Works of Victoria Welby and the Signific Movement, New York & Berlin: Mouton de Gryuer, 2009.
8Winfried Noth ( ed), Handbook of Semiotics, Bloomington: Indi- ana Univ. Press, 1990, p. 11.
9Darlene M. Juschka, Political Bodiess Body Politic: The Semiot- ics of Gender, London : Equinox, 2010.
10Eero Tarasti,Existential Semiotics, Bloomington : Univ. of Indiana Press, 2000.