
核电厂常规岛主厂房超设计基准荷载效应探讨 被引量:1

Study on Load Effect of Conventional Island Main Building in Nuclear Power Plant
摘要 核电厂中聚集着大量的放射性物质,如果一旦遭受到破坏可能导致放射性物质外泄,将会对公众的生命和健康造成威胁。如果反应堆系统遭到破坏,将会造成影响范围更广的核事故。而核电厂常规岛主厂房作为一种非常重要且特殊的工业建筑,其结构设计强度相当高,但是不免有超设计基准荷载发生,例如偶然荷载的冲击,会使核安全设计的多重性和多样性防护准则受到破坏,结构一旦发生破坏,特别是靠近安全壳的一侧发生破坏,将会直接威胁到核岛得安全,进而可能造成核泄漏等毁灭性问题。因此,本文从超设计基准方面来考虑核电厂常规岛主厂房的荷载设计值。 Large amounts of radioactive material accumulate in nuclear power plants.If the damage could lead to radioactive material leakage,it would be a threat to the life and health of the public.If reactor systems are compromised,it could lead to a broader nuclear accident.However,as a very important and special industrial building,the conventional island main plant of nuclear power plant has high structural design strength,but it can’t avoid the load exceeding the design standard.For example,the impact of accidental load will damage the multiple and diversity protection criteria of nuclear safety design.Once the structure is damaged,especially the side near the containment vessel,it will directly threaten the safety of the nuclear island,and then may cause nuclear leakage and other destructive problems.Therefore,this paper considers the load design value of the conventional island main plant of nuclear power plant from the aspect of over design benchmark.
作者 裴强 程智 PEI Qiang;CHENG Zhi(R&D Center of Civil Engineering,Dalian University Dalian 116622,China)
出处 《大连大学学报》 2019年第6期37-44,共8页 Journal of Dalian University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51878108)
关键词 常规岛主厂房 核泄漏 常规荷载 偶然荷载 荷载设计值 conventional island nuclear leak conventional load accidental load design value of a load
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