随着人们生活水平的提高,功能性纺织品研究开发成为热点,具有防蚊功能的纺织品可帮助人们避免蚊虫叮咬和疾病传播。文章研究了防蚊整理剂EULAN SPA 01在全棉斜纹织物和全涤平纹织物上的整理工艺,并采用高效气相色谱测定防蚊织物中有效氯菊酯的含量,确定最佳防蚊整理工艺为防蚊交联剂TANA PUR ONE 40 g/L,焙烘温度140℃,烘焙时间1 min。防蚊整理织物经10次标准洗涤后,氯菊酯含量仍保留在80%左右,防蚊效果优良,具备良好的耐洗性。
With the improvement of people’s living standards,the development of functional textiles has become a research hotspot.Anti-mosquito textiles can help people avoid mosquito bites and disease transmission.The paper researched the application of the finishing process of the anti-mosquito agent EULAN SPA 01 on cotton twill and polyester plain fabric,and measured the permethrin content in antimosquito fabric via high performance gas chromatography.The result indicated the best anti-mosquito finishing process:using the anti-mosquito cross-linking agent TANA PUR ONE 40 g/L at 140℃curing temperature for 1 minute.After 10 standard washing of the anti-mosquito fabric,its permethrin content remained at 80%or so,which maintained excellent anti-mosquito effect and washing fastness.
China Textile Leader