
战国前期的变法活动及其历史教训 被引量:1

Reform Activities and Historical Lessons in the Early Warring States Period
摘要 战国前期的三场著名变法活动不仅深刻影响了三个国家社会发展,也深刻影响了中国历史进程。在这场变法浪潮中,魏国率先进行了"李悝变法",其成效有力促成了楚国"吴起变法"和秦国"商鞅变法"。"李悝变法"曾使魏国社会发展领先于其他各国,但因变法不够彻底,终难使魏国走上长久的富国强兵之路。急风暴雨式的"吴起变法"强度虽大,但留给楚国的却是社会撕裂和永久隐患。最成功的当属"商鞅变法",既全面又合理,对秦国社会和秦汉以后中国古代社会的影响最为深远。 The three famous reform activities in the early Warring States period not only had a profound impact on the social development of the three countries, but also on the historical process of China. In this wave of reform, the state of Wei took the lead in carrying out the reform of LI Li, which effectively contributed to the reform of WU Qi in Chu and SHANG Yang in Qin."LI Li’s reform" once put the social development of Wei state ahead of other countries, but because the reform was not thorough enough, it was difficult for Wei state to embark on the road of long-term prosperity. Although the intensity of the storm style "WU Qi reform" was great, it was the social tear and permanent hidden danger left to Chu state. The most successful was SHANG Yang reform, which was both comprehensive and reasonable, and had the most profound influence on the Qin society and the ancient Chinese society after the Qin and Han Dynasties.
作者 高专诚 GAO Zhuan-cheng(Institute of Sociology,Shanxi Academy of Social Sciences,Taiyuan Shanxi 030032,China)
出处 《太原理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第6期1-9,19,共10页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 李悝 吴起 商鞅 变法 战国 LI Li WU Qi SHANG Yang reform Warring States Period
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